
I'd much rather see a series of Doctor Lollipop, to be honest.

But what position do those new characters occupy in relation to the classic Nintendo stable? Consoles like the PlayStation tend to give us a new roster of mascots each generation that go above and beyond their predecessors: it certainly helps to keep things fresh. The PS4 opened with Knack: even if the game doesn't

It turns out having a bad reputation won't really stop most people from buying from you.

Yeah, but you shouldn't write off a system because it has a slow start. By that logic you'd have sold the 3DS AND the Wii U. Heck, what console comes out with a truly decent launch lineup?

Yeah, calling any and all criticisms of this game a product of poor taste isn't doing you any favours.

I read a quote today by one Oliver Wendell Holmes. It said: "Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." That's kind of how I feel about this game: it looks really imaginative and expansive, but all I can think is "What happened? Last time we were here we went to FREAKING SPACE."

I'm not a massive Nintendo fan, but I think you're misrepresenting pretty much all the consoles here. The problem I had with games like The Last of Us (initially), or Bioshock Infinite is that while they created amazing worlds the actual gameplay in them was subpar or playing second fiddle to elements like cutscenes.

To echo NoelVeiga, Super Mario Galaxy is special to me because it brings you a real sense of scale we hadn't seen before in Mario games. Travelling between different galaxies is a really cool idea, as well, especially when you get the feeling you're travelling to places that have actually been inhabited by other

Eh, there's nothing wrong with being in a minority. I think Naughty Dog's output this generation has been thoroughly overrated.

The PSP wasn't the most popular console around but I'd hardly say it was lacking for games.

Hearing Jaleel White voice a pink hedgehog was certainly an experience.

I'm not necessarily saying that's what happens. I'm saying that's what people might try to do.

I don't really think it is, though I see why you could think that. In many respects, being gay is hard: not just because of the persecution you sometimes face, but because meeting and finding people who are also gay can be a minefield. It arguably forces you to take a gamble on your romantic attachments, as you're

Not sure, but homosexuals using words like "gay" or "queer" could be seen as a way of reclaiming the word and lessening any negative connotations.

This game is looking more and more like a Mario title that just happens to star Sonic. And that's sad, because initially Sonic had a flavour unique compared to Mario's that I had a lot of time for.

It's a cool idea: it just seems a bit redundant as strictly speaking, a sword just isn't a very complex piece of technology. Now, if they'd made a steampunk Keyblade...

I may be in a majority, but I don't have any strong recollections of playing a lot of violent games growing up. In my teens, the strongest things I played were probably Half-Life and Tomb Raider, with a somewhat depressing experience with Hexen 2 before that when I was younger. Other than that, it's mostly

When we say "free range", there's no fixed definition for what that means, unfortunately. This is from a site called thedailygreen.com.

Maybe I'm in a minority, but there's no way I'd wait four hours to play a bloody gameplay demo.

I don't think either of them were anything amazing, to be honest. Digimon's story and world was just shambling and there was no real logic to anything that happened in it. Pokemon, on the other hand, is almost doomed to have no real payoff.