Missy Lettie

By dirt, I mean I want updates and responses to your smackdown. Is it all just denial denial jezebel penis denial?

You know what you could definitely do to convince everyone that you care about these 'all-important issues' and that you are not 'indifferent to or dismissive of ANY report of sexual assault'? Not let a rapist, that was expelled, re-enroll in classes again two weeks later.

Forgive me, but I have to post a gif. I cannot put into words how mad I am for you.

There are no two sides to the HPV vaccine story.

There is science and fact.

And that's it. I know that people have said this before, but by allowing those stories to be told on her show, she legitimized them. She was putting her name and the full faith of the Public's trust in her journalism behind those stories.

whiny man-child, Imma let you finish, but Kobi Levi has the best shoes of ALL TIME:

This project could have been AMAZING. The shoes are really cool, and I don't at all mind the concept, actually. The accompanying stories, however, are insufferable. This guy has the emotional maturity and intellectual prowess of a freshman philosophy major who insists his teachers all give him Cs because they're

The reason why men can solely concentrate on money matters is bc they have that luxury. They don't have to worry about voting for someone who will mandate vaginal proves, or worry about their viagra not being covered bc of religious doctrine, or worry that if they get pregnant, they might be forced to keep it, and so

I haven't been reading regularly since the reboot, no, though that in part is because I was nervous about how characters like WW would change. (DC is excellent at many things, but consistently treating my favorite character well? Not so much.)

You like dialogue, I like to look things up. Here you go, from Wiki - She had not spoken to her mother for 18 to 20 years before her mother's death in 2002 from heart disease. Her mother's remains were found in her Beverly Hills condo approximately two months after she died, and lay unclaimed for some time in the Los

Was there a different title up there before? Because "Why I believe Jameis Winston's Accuser" doesn't seem out of bounds to me. Newspapers often publish editorials where the title is an opinion, and it's understood the opinion belongs to the author, not the paper as a whole. Since every Gawker site is designed to be

Don't worry. Your national title is still safe.

I'm a second-year law student, and this whole thing haunts me. For the longest time, I wanted to be a prosecutor, putting the bad guys away. This gives me pause. Meggs's laughing and seeming nonchalance at the press conference aside, how do you win? In every jurisdiction, there are people above the law. Like it or

Thank you for telling your story, Julie.

Does she have short hair?

LOL @ "A PRO-MAN MESSAGE." Finally, right?

Just like with Auntie Phyllis, I guess her husband gave her his permission.

"So if you learn to embrace that side of yourself that isn't about work — in other words, the nurturing side, the motherhood, all of that — it's okay to let your husband bring home that full-time income so you can have more of a balanced life." Yeah, unless he dies, or leaves you or something- being totally

There's a disturbing number of these on the theme of shit, which isn't going to do wonders for our image either.