Miss Sütterlin

This so much, I know I'm lucky to be able to orgasm pretty easily when I'm with a partner that knows me well, but just expecting your partner to be satisfied with only getting to orgasm once in a while would probably lead to some pretty lazy or guy centric sex. The point should be to orgasm, at least it is for me, I'm

Sometimes, I feel like the rush to validate women who have a harder time orgasming but still want sex ends up saying that women, as a group, should really just settle for fewer orgasms. Despite being a woman, yes, an orgasm is the main goal for me.

You seriously don't know what a setpoint is?

If I could give birth to kittens, I'd have reproduced by now.

Sorry to inform you, that men (including myself) frequently grunt when lifting weights, even when no women are present. It's not a show of bravado, sometimes if you're exerting yourself all out you need to let a grunt out.

I honestly don't understand why Americans are trying to impose their rules about what racism is or how it's manifested on the rest of the world. Your value system is not the entire world's value system. This whole "I am OUTRAGED from across the globe because you have offended my culture" is ridiculous. This was a

So basically, we have now figured out that:


Why are the fitspiration quotes BS? They are perfectly fine, actually. Most of them are telling people to push themselves, and that's fine. News flash: your body has limits, but those limits are way, way higher than your psychological limits (unless you're maybe an olympic athlete, but probably not even then). People

-__- This is Horrible-people are already drunk enough as is we don't need more people getting shit faced and killing themselves in drink driving accidents.

See, with that, I'd point to Little House on the Prairie books. Their cows, which were about as close to wild as you could get, always produced enough milk for the calves as well as the family.

Here's a disposable mail service: