
One of the biggest things I learned was that a person's emotional intelligence was a big factor in making better perceived financial choices. I say perceived because success and wealth are relative. Emotional intelligence is the ability to pick up on others' emotions, recognize your own emotions, and control them to

It has to do with black and white thinking which sometimes is learned and other times part of a mental illness such as a personality disorder. In black and white thinking something is either good or bad but it can't be both, there is no grey. So someone like Lindsay can't see her actions or herself as bad even some of

She will never "get it together" because she still can't see that she is the problem and I highly doubt she ever does. Narcissistic, delusional, spoiled...call it what you will but the woman doesn't have any kind of grasp on the real world. We know she won't show up for meetings "every hour of every day" because she

How does her mind even work? I don't understand people who convince themselves everything is someone else's fault. I'm not being snarky—I just don't. under. stand.

Her inability to accept responsibility for her own behavior is astonishing.

LOL at Lindsay thinking she even had a shot at anything in the Avengers sequel. I'm not even sorry for saying it but she is DELUSIONAL. And as for the whining that her agents aren't willing to fight for her, well, why should they? At this point most productions would probably regard her as a liability on set, and

Yep... I was too, I think a lot of people were. It's disappointing. Obviously, she wasn't ready to leave rehab.

I have a psychology background but decided to get another degree in finance because I wanted to explore that connection between feelings and money. I remember the payday highs and the any little thing would set my mom off days when money was short. I also feel that we do very little to demystify financial management.

This just makes me really sad. I was rooting for her.

Not gonna lie— when I skimmed this at first, and I read that NATO had a position on this I was like "shouldn't they be focusing on more important things" for like half a second.

Exmormon right here. And I'll share with you all exactly why I'm exmormon. Settle in, get a beverage, this gonna take a minute.

Ignoring this trial and only speaking on your comment about what justifies shooting an intruder, the fact that they are intruding justifies it. If someone breaks into my house I can promise you I'm going to shoot first and ask questions later.

Every time Laverne Cox gives and interview she always manages to say something that's just hugely insightful, and I couldn't be happier that she's getting both success and a platform to talk about her life and her journey.

Thanks! Now I'm calculating how old I was...I think it was 23, so SAFE!

Thank you Newsbusters.

Anyone else see this lady's face and think, "There's someone who's never had an orgasm"?


why hasn't anyone sued him?

Why is anyone still working with him?