
The first scene- have I done an anal scene and there's been some tearing and blood? Yep. It can happen sometimes depending on the lube, skill of the partner, type of toy, stress level of the participants, hemorrhoids. That doesn't necessarily equal trauma. It CAN but unless Amber's experience there made her feel

My first week working at Hot Topic, my first job, I had a man ask if he could see the striped socks I was wearing. Not thinking anything of it, I said sure, and propped up a foot in the dressing room (they didn't have doors in those days, just a pullback curtain). He fondled my leg quickly, threw $50 on the floor, and

Was Sasha Grey traumatised?

I know you mean "mainstream, Pornhub sex" when you say porn sex, but as a porn star who does queer porn, I can promise you it runs the gamut and the work I've done looks exactly like the sex I have offscreen. It really depends on the porn.

Here's some data that suggests religion may not be a compass for whether your marriage will work out or not: http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_dira.htm

I'm not a believer, but I come from a pagan background and I understand why people are religious or spiritual. I think religion or spirituality *can* be a

I totally misread this as "the chive end of Jesus" and was very confused

Actually, he recreated photos he didn't get permission for, it seems, and the rest were consensual:

Each story is completely true and most are accompanied by real photos of the exes. For others I just recreated the photos because I didn’t have images or knew I would never get permission to use the originals. All faces

Didn't Ke$ha get 1500 on her SAT? She's not exactly shy about admitting she's smart, she just decided to follow art instead of university. Considering student debt rates, I think that might be a display of her intelligence.

But here, you want studies and women's studies majors where the studies aren't being done/funded by already declared anti-porn activists:

"If Gail Dines is concerned about performers on set, why doesn’t she comment or support any initiatives by sex workers to improve performer rights? Where is she when a performer

You're comparing porn performers to street based sex work?

That doesn't really make sense. If we're having a discussion about Etsy and I bring up child labour in factories, that also seems kind of left field. They're both about labour, I guess?

As a sex work activist who has spent a good amount of time studying psychology, cultural anthropology, sociology, the history of social reform movements on sex workers, the experiences of sex workers both consenting, coerced and forced, around the world and what *they* want and need for support, poverty and responses

absolutely! <3

You didn't demand I be famous, just that I be female and in porn, which I have now proven (and which you could've discovered had you, y'know, Googled it before looking ridiculous). Maybe if you're not a porn expert and can't be bothered to research you shouldn't be making those kinds of comments, eh?

You can send my

Lesbian Curves and Hard Femme are the most recent DVD titles, PS. ;)

Hahaha! LMGTFY.com <3 I'm actually a reasonably well-known queer porn performer, KTHNXBAI

I love when people tell me how traumatized I must be, and that's probably why I do porn. Also, I love it when people tell me I don't have any agency, because if I did obviously I wouldn't be in porn, right? SIGH

I mean why listen to the porn stars themselves? They might be women, but they're probably silly women whose

Now playing

Ok, so this video is a million times better with Blurred Lines muted and "Too Many Dicks" playing instead.

And what, may I ask, do you do for employment, so I can find a lovely way to degrade that? :)

Also the patriarchy supports a situation where sex work is the only area where women consistently make more money than men, particularly un- or under-educated women. You want to help women have more choices? Combat that.

Whoa, hey now. Are you playing the "fake geek girl" card? Who's saying I'm pretending, exactly? I'm pretty sure I could beat your ass at any number of dice based RPGs. :P Never mind the various graphic novels I read, the sci fi I read and watch (like Andre Norton, say), my personal nerdgasm over the history of