
This is the same heffa who claimed she would go to work in Congress strapped with her Glock to protect her family and her property so she’s not working with prime gray matter here.

Cuz framing and labels matters...and they know it! But just as tRump weaponized Twitter, people became much more media savvy and you just can't spin what people around the world saw!!!

Hey, look: another dumbass traitor/gun fetish-izer who should stay off of social media; ->announcing the location of the Speaker during the riot while the Capitol was under assault :

Now playing

Everybody knows those were ANTIFA crisis actors.

Now this is the kinda church I can get behind. Good sermons, and no one passed me a damn collection plate.

I knew these terrorist would try for martyrdom for this woman. Under no circumstances is this the same as the many women of color that have died at the hands of LE.

Obligatory Preacher reference:

And now, featuring embedded racist slurs!


I think we both know the real solution to this problem: A kids bop version that is just the macaroni in a pot part.

Oh lord I remember the pearl clutching when 2lc was a thing. We had it all, hearings, virtue signaling, retailers beating up each other to ban carrying their music first, CD burnings, police tears over ‘just doing their job’ and the newborn 24/7 news cycle milking it for all it was worth.

Idk when “reactions online” became newsworthy, but I couldn’t give a shit what some stupid asswipe on the internet thinks about Cardi B’s parenting skills. Don’t we all know at this point that the internet is full of hateful racist trolls who will bite at the chance to attack someone?

Male rappers got shit for their lyrics too, not saying it’s exactly the same but come on, 2 Live Crew got arrested for performing “explicit” songs and went to court, someone was arrested for selling their album. 

THAT was the moment I started backing the fuck up in my own office chair. Throwing the n-word around was bad enough, but you brought his mama into this? White dude was lucky he didn’t waddle out of that store with a whole case of Twisted Tea jammed up his asscheeks.

Oh, I don’t know. Tyrion bitch slapping Joffrey was greatly both amusing and satisfying.

I was gonna say that Dehydrated Michael Rapaport is just Michael Rapaport, but then I remembered that he’s looking more like Desiccated Michael Rapaport these days.

I still don’t get why Great Value Macklemore threatened to walk home and leave this Black man alone.
The doorbell and the woman who sounds like she’s from Minnesota and makes “hot dishes” are the icing on this Twisted Tea cake.
Just a stray observation-Black women writers don’t seem to foist or embrace the use of the

Thanks for reminding me of that delicious filet-o-fist.

I stopped breathing at Vanilla Lice and straight up died at Wacklemore. Good god that was beautiful.