Yeah wife and I gave up on Floriduh. They can keep this shithole. Wife literally learned today she got a job offer in CT.
Yeah wife and I gave up on Floriduh. They can keep this shithole. Wife literally learned today she got a job offer in CT.
Michael Harriot reminded us of the origin of "woke" in a Leadbelly song. It told you to stay woke because there are white men trying to kill you. And there were. And there still are. That it what these fuckers are mocking and laughing about. And that's what they want to fire me for telling my students. This is what…
Mannnnnnn, these people have no shame and make me sick. Setting a precedence for young, middle-aged, or older people not to lose with any kind of grace whatsoever. Folks like Paxton can kiss my Black ass!
The real question is “WTF is G/O Media doing to drive away the best staff?”
While I agree, some of the blame for these deaths still falls on these law enforcement departments as these individuals should be capable of acting like rational human beings in heated and normal situations that they are supposedly trained for. At the same time, Minneapolis voters got cold feet and voted against…
$15 million is nothing to a city’s budget.
It is fundamentally incorrect and worse, counter-productive to blame police unions for these types of settlements or the state of policing in America. Clearly, ACAB and police unions are filled with the worst of them, but this shit is on elected officials, institutional oversight and the courts, which ultimately means …
I hope they feed this f*cker nothing but Spam while he is locked up, and that they keep him in solitary. Inhuman conditions for an inhuman imbecile of a person. This level of basura blanca deserves nothing but to rot in a lonely cell.
I am thinking of buying one and making a lettuce run at the whitest supermarket in town just for triggering (pun intended) and strokes.
That t-shirt is EVERYTHING!
Because they think that white people are allowed to go policing any goddamn place they want and the people who live there are not allowed to consider them suspect, suspicious, or a threat.
>He blamed “cancel culture” for Rittenhouse’s predicament.
There are no lies detected here. More white fathers need to discipline their children. Look at Matt Gaetz, his father bailed him out of scrape after scrape and all he does is allegedly hang out with people that traffick underage girls. I blame the lack of accountability in the white community.
Get me this shit on vinyl for the full effect plz. This whole album has been on repeat for days. for DAYS.
They’ve been quite consistent about rejecting democracy for a while now. This isn’t a recent turn of events.
They always reject truth and always project, consistently.
In fairness, they’ve also ejected consistent ideology.
Once again proving: