
I think, in context, she’s saying that *she* would look like a malnourished bird if she lost a lot of weight.

My dad’s nickname for me is Gertrude.

Are you going to name it Obama? That would be so cute. I bet he’d nod politely if you told him, and Michelle would give you such a look...

Gee, thanks for stealing the best name!

Me and Irena Mirena just had our 1 year anniversary in March. We’re very happy and looking forward to 4 more childless years.

It’s the goddamn best. Naming it is an excellent idea. I’m thinking Gertrude. Get it, Gertrude!

OMG I fucking love my IUD so much, I practically want to name it.

I’m with you on this!

You know, we can have more than one hero at a time.

They are both cool heroes.

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

What the gallery owner seems to be missing is the chasm between the artist’s *legal* obligations to credit the original work, and the artist’s *moral* obligations to credit the original work. What’s effed up about this is that the derivative work isn’t cool because of his dumb grafitti on it, it’s cool because of the

There are also lots of situations where people who are not consenting insist on condoms. When we think about the actual typicaly sexual assault, it’s between two people who know each other. So it’s totally plausible (and happens really often anecdotally) that a victim will ask their rapist to use a condom as a way of

Well, no, I personally don’t. (I don’t PERSONALLY want children at all, actually.) But when I’m dead, I don’t think I’m going to care, am I? I mean even if there’s an afterlife, if I was in the afterlife why would I be concerned about things going on on earth?
I think it’s probably right to continue respecting autonomy

I’m not positive how I feel about this. Does your right to autonomy and your right to make decisions about your own reproduction extend to when you’re deceased? My gut says yes, but I can’t think of a really solid logical reason why it should, since you’re dead and you literally dgaf anymore.

The only way I will accept them as best friends is if that means she swears in his face all the time and replies, “not much, just did some gardening and got a couple abortions” when he asks how her weekend was.

I’m not sure what you’re asking me? (Also I think from your posting history you may be a troll, but this doesn’t seem to be a troll response so whatevs.)
You can give affirmative consent without shouting “Yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me!”. You can affirmatively consent in a chill way.

Yes, they are! And as such, they know when to disappear for a while when I want to create in text something that evokes the rhythm of the speech I would make were we having this conversation aloud. They are good friends, and they know when punctuation has my back.