
9 times out of 10 it’s straight white men who complain about political correctness. They hate that they live in a world where they can no longer make disparaging comments about people that are not like them without repercussion. They want the freedom to disrespect others but of course we have to respect them because

My understanding of PC= people generally respecting other people and taking other peoples perspective into consideration and really making an effort to try to understand and incorporate other peoples perspectives into one’s own worldview in an attempt to grow as a human being and have a more balanced and holistic

Maybe I’m misunderstanding him because the quote is sort of fragmented, like he wasn’t sure how to continue the sentence. But my interpretation is that what he’s saying is that comedy geared towards a certain demographic (in his opinion, college students) has to be calculated to make fun of current issues in a way

I’d argue that the comedic movies and shows of today are pretty terrible. Something like All In the Family and Married with Children wouldn’t be put on network television today. The crazy thing is, as ‘politically incorrect’ both those shows were, they were really making fun of small-minded and offensive people.

You know, I know that what Seinfeld said here is going to be anathema to a lot of people but, and I’m sure a Fallacy Monster will get me on this one, he’s easily one of the most successful(and in my opinion best) stand-up comedians who ever lived. Maybe his opinion on the state of comedy has some merit? Maybe there’s

People were saying political correctness was killing comedy when I went to college in 1989. It’s like how people complain that MTV used to be good or when they get nostalgic about anything including gawker media. They just don’t like something and have no legitimate reason, they go on and on and on about how great it

Shorter version of what he said: “people aren’t allowed to say whatever they want without being called out for their b.s. anymore.”

I know it’s popular to mock her around these parts, but I’ll be damned if she isn’t fucking on point with this rant. Good for her.
(Also I think she’s totes adorbs but that’s irrelevant.)

That impressed me too. Just making her life her own story, having it be about what SHE does rather than what was done TO her, is a notable achievement. ETA on that note, kudos for not mentioning the abductor’s name. This isn’t his story!

I’m the same age as Elizabeth and her story, since she was missing to when she was found and beyond, has always stayed with me. Primarily how she schooled Nancy Grace during an interview, and how she talked about how her school and church’s teachings of purity negatively impacted her after she returned home.

The phrase “employers who are morally opposed to birth control" throws me into a blind rage.

I definitely don’ t disagree with you. I just also like watching people get in a tizzy. But yeah, he’s definitely “that guy” and while his intent is to be derivative...even that idea is pretty damn derivative.

It just doesn’t seem particularly clever, though? It sounds like something someone would do for their senior year art project to fuck with the establishment.

I’m familiar with him and think he’s kind of a hack - but I have to admit, I kind of love the reaction he gets. Once you put your art on social media platforms, it is no longer your own. That’s written into the privacy disclosures. That he’s exploiting it and shoving it up people’s asses is one thing,


I’ve interviewed the author of this post and Emma Sulkowicz for Gawker. I consider myself to have a reasonable bullshit detector, and a strong grasp of the issues involved at Columbia. I found the author and Emma surprisingly forthright, wholly credible, and supremely conscientious at all points in our interviews. I

I was sexually assaulted on my 21st birthday in a national park and it never even crossed my mind that I should tell a ranger or the company I worked for. I didn’t want to believe it happened and I had no witnesses; I really didn’t want a big deal made out of it or to be known for it, I just wanted to get on with life

I’m a victim of attempted rape by my ex who thought it was cool to start sex with his roommate in the bunk above us. He entered me as I tried to push him off me and calls it “attempted sex” to this day. But I was young and continued dating him. A few years ago I connected it with rape and see myself now as a survivor.

I think you are confusing incident with pattern. Clearly, Anonymous had reason to think that her assailant was engaging in a pattern of behavior, not a single incident. She then followed all the guidelines set up by the institution to report what they defined as sexual assault. That you don’t find the incident to rise

Cathy Young has a history of dishonest rape apologia and denialism, and this is no exception. I see her latest line is spreading the “calculated vendetta” bit to try and dampen the impact of Nungesser having multiple accusations against him.