
It just seems WAY fishy to be claiming abuse in order to make babies with the person who abused you. It would be like a woman saying “He abused me, so I have to have his sperm!” He’s not trying to get her legally punished for abuse; he’s trying to make her make babies.

As long as Hillary’s policy positions keep moving to the left, to the left, I’m on board.

Beyonce is team WINNER.

Yes, I understand and appriciate your civility. It IS a delicate subject and I generally avoid it like the plague - just felt I had a relevant experience to contribute.

And let’s not forget the good old southern baptists. I too was told that I was not pregnant, so I went on about my regular life awaiting a period that was never going to come. Finally, (fortunately) I was able to see my regular doctor who was infuriated. Apparently, these “clinics” in my city are notorious for lying

Thank you! Jesus fucking Christ. Lying to women to scare them away from safe, legal medical procedures is not fucking okay.

I was briefly pregnant and I swear to jeebus that my piss was hotter than normal. The majesty of human life is hella toasty!

When I first started reading your posts here I was inclined/automatically in a place to disagree with you, given my “rabidly” pro-choice and zero spiritual or religious background or connection. But reading more, I have to say I respect the hell out of how you have responded to those who disagree with you,

The reason this is catching on amongst Evangelicals is this: What better way to increase the number of people who will vote the way you want them to vote, than by creating as many people as you can and brainwashing them all their lives that your way is the only way?

My sister put these fetuses in easter eggs for the Catholic easter egg hunt. What do they call it? There’s a special name for it, and I’ve forgotten. Anyway, instead of candy it’s little plastic things that remind the children about easter. I kid you not, it all came in a kit from a Catholic store. There was a cross,

It’s not a freaky trend, it’s a worrying trend caused by being lied to by ‘organisations’ like CPS centres. It wouldn’t even be a damn trend if women were given correct information and facts, and trusted to make decisions themselves.

The nurse practitioner goes over the medical risk for both carrying and terminating.

And the horrible thing is that if there were a link between abortion and suicide, it would very likely be caused (to an extent) by the way organizations like this one make women feel like shit for having abortions. If I ended up pregnant and at a crisis pregnancy center, they would be very unlikely to talk me out of

I’m currently pregnant - on purpose, happy about it - and it’s tempting to go to our local CPCs and ask for an abortion. I’m at the end of the 2nd trimester, and there’s something gratifying about the idea of horrifying these people so thoroughly with the idea not only that I would choose an abortion at all, but such

I think a lot of these people, deep down, are really fucking angry that pregnancy can be trusted to almost any ‘ol woman, and would much rather have their decisions made for them by a tribune of correctly-minded evangelicals.

Unpopular opinion: #notallcrisispregnancycenters

“I opened a velvet box on the table that appeared as though it contained jewelry; rather, it contained a collection of small plastic fetuses.”

I sat through hearings on so-called “informed consent” legislation that requires doctors to tell women specific “facts” about abortion and show them pictures of fetuses at various stages of development. The “pro life” groups pushing the bill kept stressing that women deserved information before making abortion

“So… you’re still abortion-minded, even if you happen to be tubally pregnant?” she asked.