
Oh, Natasha, we get it. You’re still closer to Teen than Exhausted Parent. But trust me this article will come back to haunt you in some way.

The point is that when this is also a viable option for boys, then it will no longer be a sexist requirement that no child wear them.

Yeah, I forgot to add that this was in middle school, and I was in 6th grade when I witnessed it. So these girls were 11 and 12 when this happened.

Oh yes. I remember the fingertip-length shorts rule. Of course no stores sold shorts that long, so I and everyone other girl in school were constantly shamed by having to stand up in front of class and justify our clothes. Teachers would walk by and if our shorts looked short while we were seated, we would be told to

She did not say a politican should cheer on riots. Hillary said that maybe the mayor should be as impassioned about the police murdering people as she is about people rioting.

tell that to the police department

You’re right, Mayor Rawlings-Blake. There are thugs ruining the city of Baltimore and its people, but the thugs aren’t the protestors — they’re the police.

its almost like if you were raised to believe your community doesn’t matter, you treat your community like it doesn’t matter

they implemented a lot of these rules in Las Vegas, and it really seems to be working.

Every time I see this type of comment from an idiot who obviously has an issue with feminists and articles/comments from a women’s perspective, I end up wondering if you have a mother/wife/daughter and what they did to deserve such a hateful son/husband/father. Jezebel at best is feminism-light, the fact that you

Suggestion: I highly recommend reading a previous piece Jezebel did on this story, which includes full transcripts of the referenced Facebook chats and Sulkowicz’s annotations. Out of context, the lawyer’s assertion that she was lusting after Nungesser appears somewhat credible, when in actuality, for those who

Well of course they do. What else would your defense be? This dude is saying he didn’t rape her. If someone is accused of rape and they’re defending themselves, part of their defense has to be that the accuser is lying. I mean really it’s probably 100% of defenses.

Citations please. Detailed, non-anecdotal stories of specific men who have had their lives “ruined” by being accused of sexual assault/rape. I’ll wait.

Yes. When this happened to me, I felt like it was my fault, that I’d done something wrong to bring this onto me.

When you’re a teen you have no concept of leaving a space on your walls uncovered by posters and magazine tear outs. And apparently ducklips via polaroid were a thing before cell phones. Gross.

Teenagers are cool because they’re the only creatures capable of the paradoxical state of passionate apathy. Watching a teen vehemently shout “I don’t care!” is a glimpse into a universe with more dimensions than we have documented.

Jealous much?

“Exception is made for teens who go to religious schools: you teens are fucked up because of Jesus and that is cool.” Sweet. Years of oppression/depression totally worth it for my automatic ticket to awesome town.

I love this. I’m in my lateish 20’s and the angsty teen movie/TV show/novel is one of my favorite genres, probably because I was a very well-adjusted teen and am living vicariously through the drama. I had cool parents (but not TOO cool) who let me make my own mistakes, no siblings to fuck up my jive, and I somehow

Maybe I’m not far enough out, but I really, really remember it.