
I should also take this opportunity to say, to the assholes who are so fond of telling women, "We're not mind-readers! If you don't like something a guy is doing, it's up to you to tell him!": Dudes, if it's obvious to an entire group of blind-drunk women that a stranger is uncomfortable, then it should be obvious

Bachelorette parties will forever have a special place in my heart. The first time I ever went to a real club (alone and with a male friend), this guy kept creeping over and grinding on me, uninvited. I wasn't yet the elbow-throwing feminist menace I am today, so I didn't know what to do other than sort of awkwardly

Dammit, UVA. I loved you so much. I was the first black person in my graduate program which was both exciting and shocking since it was the early aughts but you were so good to me. So good I even got a V-Sabers tattoo. That’s how awesome the experience was. Sure, you seemed to have a somewhat overabundance of frat


Yeah, I can understand why you would be touchy. Texas and some of the other southern states get a lot of shit on sites like this.
Things are going extra badly for you guys, but at least you’re not alone! They’re going shitty for the rest of the country too. I’m very disappointed in my state, although at least we shot

Thank you for the ETA, otherwise this probably would have been an unpleasant thing to come home to.
I was joking, I don’t actually want Texas to secede. I know some very cool Texans, and it’s not like it’s something that would actually work.
Everyone seems to be taking me seriously for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Their leggings are perfection, though. They do produce a quality, albeit prohibitively expensive product.

Firstly, I've never shopped at AA before so can't comment on the quality of their product. However, it has always seemed to me that it is a company that a 14 year old version of me would have set up:

My top concern as well, but I think of it more as a tool for both parties rather than one and at the very least it could slow things down or bring both people to a discussion of some type (and a record date/time of incident sent to both emails/phones as text). Interesting points and thank you!

I like the idea of the app, but I agree with your concerns. I also don't know how helpful it would be for people in situations where their "consent" is being coerced. My assaults happened because I was pressured into having unwanted sex. Had this app been in play, I probably would've just been coerced into pressing

Yeah, exactly... people aren't mind readers, just because you enjoy someone's company previously is no indicator, people really can switch/flip at a moment's notice.

I see this coming up a lot in the comments, but let's not forget the person talking is 14.

I want to find one, just one positive in this story, so good on the kid who recorded that drunk fucking scumbag. He should go into police work or something. You can hear him forcibly questioning "Brian," without cajoling him, and successfully getting a confession. Good on you kid. A+ job for an amateur.

As a victim of rape when I was a teenager this pisses me off so much. When it happened I was so ashamed and blamed myself. I didn't tell anyone, not even my family. To this day my parents don't know, I finally told my siblings last year and it happened back in 2003. This led to a destructive path of self harm and

I am truly sorry for your ordeal. Anyone who could do that to another human being should be bunk buddies with Charles Manson. Same thing happened to my best friend and she couldn't swallow right for days. If someone asked her why she didn't bite, I'd probably respond by jamming my fist in their mouth and yelling "WHY

Ugh. Okay, so I can see how a lot of men—men who haven't been sexually assaulted or raped, that is—could be confused about this on a surface level. A lot of victims of rape don't fight the way, say, a victim of attempted murder would. So they see the victim as somehow complicit with their abuse, since they're not

I am trying to imagine any other scenario in which Don Lemon would think this was appropriate or, more importantly, relevant at all.

I swear we just had an article about kicking guys in the balls that had lots of people saying if you kick a guy, he's going to beat you down worse. So....If I bite his penis off, he's just going to think "Man, rape is bad" and let me go?

"... in this Bill... Cosby... saga... drama... ", he said while shaking his head dismissively.

because he was pinching my nose shut and i could barely breath around his penis in my mouth. i thought he was trying to kill me. i was suffocating and gagging as he rammed it down my throat. *true story