I hope she doesn't breath in too hard, I'd hate for one of those plastic fetuses (feti?) to get lodged in her nose.
I hope she doesn't breath in too hard, I'd hate for one of those plastic fetuses (feti?) to get lodged in her nose.
I want some of those teeny tiny fetus dolls so bad! I'm still trying to think of a good use for them but I NEED THEM.
What a waste of money. 30 grand could have put a couple of those sex dolls through college.
Are you shitting me? What business is it of yours what Sarah Palin does with her uterus?
I agree, and yet i'd suggest it might be slightly less egregious in situations where the politician is actively fighting to criminalize abortion but has had 3 herself. I'm NOT saying that about Palin or anyone else, it's a hypothetical. That's the one loophole that I think should exist for respecting politician's…
If a woman doctor performs an abortion on a woman, then can we ever be truly sure it happened?
This shit reminds me of some of the hideously intrusive way supposedly liberal or progressive jounalists and bloggers indulged in grotesque speculation about Sarah Palin's last pregnancy during the 2008 election. Remember that crap? Fuck, it still makes me so mad, and I detest Sarah Palin. Fuck those motherfuckers for…
I know Wendy Davis SAID she had an abortion, but we're gonna need a man to verify that for us. Maybe two or three. Can we just get a couple of men to support this woman's stories about her own personal life? We just need a male perspective on this so we can really be sure it happened. Anyone?
First you stop teaching science in schools. Then you trumpet personhood and call women who get abortions murderers. Then you criminalize miscarriage. Then you have assholes who know nothing about how reproduction actually works declare themselves in charge of both regulating it and explaining it to the idiot…
Only Mr. Siggins knows the truth about his alleged journalism credentials . We simply do not know the circumstances of Dustin Siggins's supposed credentials, education, or basic humanity.
"It would be disturbing to think that she may be using her abortions as a way to gain political favor with Democratic voters," Horne added.
He has a point. And I'm sure he would agree with me when I say that I've never met a white man that wasn't racist, therefore all white men are racist. Right?
She was probably younger than me (I didn't check her birth certificate). Therefore, I refer to her as a girl. I'm not going to argue about my use of that term for something so inconsequential.
You're awfully sensitive if that headline hurt your feelings enough to call Jezebel "Fox News".
First of all, what a SMUG fucking note.
lol. This is one of the most blatant examples of not-reading-the-fucking-article I've ever seen. RTFA.
Thankfully my FB friends know better than to express those feelings and those that do are probably just quiet for fear of Internet reprisal. But yeah, I just want to be black and live my life without the knowledge that someone could shoot me dead tomorrow and it'd take 12 days of violence in the streets to even get a…
Yeah the general white reaction to this has seemed very similar (I mean, on a whole other level obviously) to men who don't think discrimination/misogyny exists because they don't see it. You don't see it because it doesn't happen to you, jackass.