
No one knows how to stop domestic shootings in any neighborhood or city.

That's a bullshit argument.

Oh my god you're an idiot. That was my point. They're both stereotypes. Only one is dangerous to the person being stereotyped.

Shut the fuck up

Black people walking around with guns are the only reason there are any gun control laws in the first place. They were put into place because the Black Panthers were open carrying in Oakland.

And the media is complicit in this also. All the people who showed up at Ted Bundy's ranch with guns blazing were called "supporters" and the protestors in Ferguson were referred to as an "angry mob" on Saturday, 24 whole hours before any kind of looting started. Sometimes it all just seems so hopeless, and feels like

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

I'm in the middle of this company tech thing, but I want to say this: this is exactly the right thing to do when people aren't paying proper attention to a real problem; it's not something I completely ignored but I obviously didn't give it proper attention, and I'm sorry about that; give me about 24-48 hours to

At pretty much every blogging job I've ever had, I've been told (by male managers) that it'd be a death sentence to moderate comments and block IP addresses, because it "shuts down discourse" and guts traffic. But no one's ever shown me any actual numbers that support that claim. Does anyone have any? Not that I think

There's a dude in india who's working tirelessly to create a cheap or easily producible tampon or pad or something and the biggest problem he's had is testing it - none of his sisters or his wife were comfortable giving him feedback on how well they work. He actually created and wore (wears?) an artificial uterus

Before my hysterectomy, I had two years of all-gushing, all-the-time. (It had been bad before, but not like that.) I went through two to four packages of the "overnight" pads PER WEEK—so I was spending around $100 a month just on pads. One of the added bonuses of my surgery (you know, besides the "no more throwing up

I'm in as long as I'm allowed to use a tampon while sitting on my own sofa.

Not essential items? I say for 1 month all women boycott menstral products. We don't wear 'em. We leave pools of blood on subway seats, clots on the seats in restaurants, and splotches on the benches in malls and parks. Yup we walk around with big red stains on our clothes, we bike around with blood trickling down

As a man whose bought tampoons for his girlfriend, I've always wondered why the hell it's considered a joke.

I saw a comedian years ago who did a bit about men being weird about condoms. He said it was great, because it was announcing to the world that he had a girlfriend with whom he was serious enough that she had him go get tampons - because what did these guys think people would think they were going to do with them?

Men have no idea what tampons and pads cost and how deeply essential they are. There's a huge stigma about menstruation that makes a dude buying tampons for his usually overly emotional girlfriend into a tired TV comedy show trope. Women in poor countries either have nothing to bleed into it (and lose jobs and school

You'd think some of the money they save short changing women on salaries could go to free tampons for all.

I'm PMSing and I have a menstrual migraine - can I PLEASE punch all of these stupid tweeters in their collective faces? #TamponsShouldBeSubsidized

Why can't BOTH of them have had a crush on the dude, and they vied for his attentions by promising him money ear-marked for Virginians in need of food stamps? And then, the hungry poor could be fed nutraceuticals. Only one of those hungry poor survives his snake-oil diet to become the judge who tries all 3!!.

This is just an amazing cluster fuck. The thing that astonishes me is that after thinking through and talking it over and, I'm sure, trying out a handful of ideas....."oh, she was pretty much having an affair with the guy" was the option they chose as their preferred narrative. And then they tried to thread the