It is definitely weird that I totally saw that, but I thought they were teaching people how to create a personal mermaid mythology. >.<
It is definitely weird that I totally saw that, but I thought they were teaching people how to create a personal mermaid mythology. >.<
the female protagonist was willing to completely change herself for a man
There was a point when a friend of mine was going to work in the manatee exhibit at our zoo, and I suggested that during the demo talks they let me fulfill my mermaid dreams by swimming around and interacting with the manatees as the "what sailors THOUGHT they saw..." When I told Mssr Fox, who is a lifer in…
How to care for a mermaid tale: keep your copy of HCA's Little Mermaid on a dusted bookshelf, well-supported by bookends.
When I was a little girl, The Little Mermaid was my favorite movie, but I still had problems with it. Not problems with the fact that the female protagonist was willing to completely change herself for a man, which bothers me now; no, as a child I could not understand how anyone would choose to not be a mermaid.
Moisture is the essence of wetness
it's perfect and beautiful and you're a bad person.
My boss and his right-hand-woman (long-time employee) conducted a review of my performance post-baby. They complained that I didn't seem to be at my desk as often as I was. This despite the fact that I pumped in an empty office with a computer AND with my phone forwarded to that extension. I was always available, even…
to be fair, being able to pump in your own office is pretty much the ideal for a lot of women—you can do it on your schedule, you can get work done while pumping, etc. Both my co-worker and I pumped in our offices, and I preferred it to having to go to a designated room. I could read and respond to emails,…
My office has three pumping moms (myself included) and a couple pregnant ladies currently. Where I have been pumping the past 3.5 months has been the office's server room which is cold but I have my own key and get to take as much time as I need, which is never long. A lot of my colleagues are parents and those who…
I'd be concerned about privacy. Most storage rooms only lock from the outside, so people could be walking in and out. Even with a privacy screen I could see that being a bit of an uncomfortable situation for the mom. Maybe if you could install an internal lock that would allow the mom to have the room to herself while…
I was lucky that the burger place next door to my salon let me use their office to pump. Not ideal, but still lucky. If you have any kind of storage room, or if you could have arrange to take your breaks at a time no one else does, that might work. It would suck to have to go to your car, but there are adapters that…
I was lucky to have a private office when both my babies were little and enough autonomy that I could pump when I needed to. However, that didn't mean that my co-workers respected my right to pump. Despite having a nice little sign made up for my (locked) office door that said "pumping in progress" with a pic of a…
I can't help but look at that photo and think, "AHH! Turn that bottle upright!! Don't spill the milk!!"
A McDonald's I used to frequent had a pregnant employee who worked up until delivery and was off for *maybe* three weeks before she was back on the night shift again. She wasn't a teenager or a college student strapped for cash, but a grown woman with a family and financial pressures. There are so many like her who…
Pumping sucks. I was lucky to get an ounce from either breast with a medical grade pump. Seriously.... better parental leave laws would solve this problem. Considering I was fired for being pregnant, Amurka's got a long way to go on women's rights.
Two of the women I work are currently breast feeding moms and you would not believe how weird some people are about seeing breast milk in the fridge. Our boss was like get over it or bring a cooler!
One of his dealbreakers is wearing a fedora...but that could be because he's the only one alllowed?
Yes it is an invalid point that can be casually dismissed. The police have stated publicly that they have video proof of the punch, but they offered him a plea deal because it was a first offense. That's why there's no conviction, not because there's doubt that he did it.