
You're so right. It also upsets me to see how often the omnibus bill here is referred to as a "20 week abortion ban". I mean, yeah, that's in there, but they only put it that way because then people don't realize that it is so much more than that. If it were just a 20 week ban, I would still be totally against it, but

There was this bit toward the beginning when Lizz Winstead said something about how they were there to show Texas Women that they stand with us (I honestly can't remember her wording) and that when we are getting messed with so is everyone, we all have each other's backs, something like that.

Are you on twitter? If so, there are lots of people you could follow to keep you updated. Honestly, just follow @scatx who is Jessica Luther if you don't want to clog up your feed too much. She'll get you most of the info you need. She's an Austin organizer and activist, was on the telethon last night, and has

We had a co-ed baby shower. We just had a huge party with all our friends and family and people gave us stuff we needed for the baby, or not if they were kind of broke at the moment and that was fine too.

I haven't seen the series yet, but in the books, she's just really casual about sex and it's all good. It isn't shoehorned in or gratuitous. It's part of who she is. She's a rich girl with a lot of freedom to do what she wants, so she does.

I enjoyed a few of those books for sure, and frankly, Phyrne's casual attitude towards sex was part of her charm.

I think Richard Cohen thinks the word racist refers exclusively to Klan members, or perhaps we are meant to identify racists by their horns, tails.

I actually love this more than even the great bathtub I have now. Wow.

We want to redo our bathroom for myriad reasons, but I refuse to change the bathtub. It's from the 1940s, cast iron, and BIG. My six-foot husband can comfortably take a bath in it. No need for a bath pillow. We'd also like to move to a bigger house, but unless I get a bathtub of equal dimensions (and the water heater

Hmm. I'm not sure how I feel about dropping the apostrophe. I don't feel that I can be objective on that.

Thank you. Those comments really bothered me.

I'll give you the other two, but I often type the word "y'all" in informal communications. English language doesn't have a great option for the second person plural. I always feel that "you all" is awkward, and "you guys" sounds childish.

Yes. Because the english language is desperately in need of a good second person plural pronoun, and y'all is really the best option.

I really enjoyed the second season, but I always said that the first season had this very strong emotional anchor in the family, particularly in the Connie Britton character. The second season didn't have that, but I felt that was appropriate since it was a different kind of story. The lack of that anchor was

Bread making is why I switched to the Cuisinart. I was making a lot of breads that needed serious kneading for extended times, and the kitchen aid was starting to leak oil and would shake itself all over the counter. Have been thrilled with the Cuisinart for about 7 years now. Highly recommend for bread makers!

You are not alone. When I wanted to upgrade from my old kitchen aid (mostly worked fine, but I needed a stronger motor for the kinds of bread I was making, making brioche caused it to leak oil, and I didn't have the kind where you could raise the top up, major unnecessary pain) research indicated that the Cuisinart

It's actually the other way round this time. Cross posted from Deadspin to Jezebel.

Oh, definitely.

This Daisy Coleman case has really hit home for me. I did the exact same stupid shit at exactly her age. I didn't get raped (then), because no one around me at the time was a fucking rapist. That's the only difference. When I see commenters blaming her for her rape because she drank way too much, snuck out of the

Haha, I just posted that exact same comment.