
Didn't Meg Cabot already write this book? Called How to Be Popular, and the girl uses some old 50s guide to popularity and it works?

You know that the reason she was able to vote with the affidavit is because she managed to get that worked into the legislation when it was being drafted? She raised the point that lots of people don't have their DL name match the voter registry exactly. One might have a middle name that the other skips, women might

Oh, this one's going to SCOTUS. This ruling will probably be overturned on 5th circuit and then SCOTUS. Even if it isn't overturned at the 5th circuit, Abbott will appeal.

Even more than PP, I would love for more people to donate to Lilith Fund

I used to be Team Leo, but I do wonder if he would provide enough intellectual stimulation for her in the long run. I do love Leo though. Just so good. And hot. Very hot.

It's fiction. Different rules apply than in real life. Team Logan.

If it were real life, I would absolutely be Team Piz. I kind of love Piz, and think he's a great boyfriend + hot. However, it's fiction, different rules apply. Team Logan.

Thank you for your reply. I completely understand why people make jokes about cutting the red states loose, I really do. I just try to put my piece in there too, because I think if people in other parts of the country paid more attention to us, it would help a lot.

Seriously. Not even ranked? She was clearly the baddest witch last night. I mean, she was playing solitaire on an ipad while draped across a crocodile throne. That alone.

See, here's the thing. When you do that - you know, don't do that. There are millions of progressives here, we aren't a majority, but we are significant. 40 odd percent = millions of people, and we are real, and we exist, and we fight. Not to mention that most of the people who are negatively affected by this shit

I know, right? You know what's extra fucking stupid about it? I'm pretty sure that law is why I had to pay up front for my D&C after I had a miscarriage - of a pregnancy I WANTED so badly. A pregnancy that had terminated on its own. I was already a mess, but I assumed my insurance would cover the fallout of my

Exactly. That was my first thought. Isn't the fact that most women having abortions already have children something information that we try to spread?

If she works for Goldman Sachs in the state of Texas, then her insurance doesn't cover abortion. There's a state law against it.

If she works for Goldman Sachs in the state of Texas, then her insurance doesn't cover abortion. There's a state law against it.

If she works for Goldman Sachs in the state of Texas, then her insurance doesn't cover abortion. There's a state law against it.

I agree. The world is full of scary, bad stuff. Now, I'm not saying show kids all the scary bad stuff. I'm saying that the darker elements of stories are a nice, easy, safe way to start to learn about those things so you aren't just completely sheltered and unprepared when everything isn't sugarplum fairies. And also,

Ah! It is just randomly delightful.

Thank you! There is something delightful about yours, but if it is a reference to something, I don't think I know it. I feel something teasing the edge of my mind, but I might be simply suggestible.

Oooh! Do it! Just explain it to people and then their lives will be enriched. I actually reference Susan often. I work with kids, and that lady has the right ideas.