
Kids at the camp where I work do it, and it was amazing how fast it came back to me, even though it had been 15 years easy since I'd done cups. Our kids even performed the cups, accompanied by "Cups" and then worked it into a dance/gymnastics routine. It was incredible.

That seems like a surprisingly reasonable price for that! Sweet. I think of my friend who has 2 different size feet, and has to buy two pairs of shoes every time. One cannot simply buy two different bras and stitch them together.

Ever since I figured out my "correct" size, or, more accurately, my "close to correct" size, it's been mostly good. Mine aren't too hard to fit. BUT. I think I would still pay quite a bit if I could get some custom made just for me. I don't think anyone actually has both breasts exactly the same size, and the range of

He's referring to when Students for Life bussed a whole bunch of out of state people into Austin so the protests weren't so overwhelmingly pro-choice. They made arrangements to shower at the Town Lake YMCA, but as they all walked in there in their blue shirts with their pictures of aborted fetuses (they weren't waving

I've been thinking about this for a while and still can't decide if I agree with you or not. Because on one hand, yes. I get what you are saying about the importance of naming the actors. I agree with that statement in quite a few contexts, maybe including this one. It is overwhelmingly cisgendered men making rape

Yes, I do enjoy the growing process ;-)

This makes me think too, of a conversation my husband and I had about male frontal nudity in (non-porn) film. I was saying I'd like to see more of it, and he was saying that probably many actors are, like him, a grower, not a shower. I love how my husband goes from seeming small to huge and the whole process is great,

Word. I'm married to a grower. Flacid, he looks tiny. Hard, he's HUGE. He went to a small private school where there were no locker room situations, but it's made me wonder about boys who actually have like, porn star dicks, who get mocked in the locker rooms.

Fair enough. I love the idea of Williams, but would be fine with someone else if they had the charisma. It's not a Jesse Williams only thing for me.

A Ken doll is sexless. Finnick has that thing where he looks at you and your panties magically disappear. They chose to cast a Ken doll, and I don't understand it at all.

Yes, that stare! Perfect.

Agreed. It's nothing against her, just don't see it as the right role for her. It's like when I heard Reese Witherspoon was producing, I really didn't want her to star, even though I like her. It's just not the right role. I think Charlize would be great, but I'm now hearing she's going to be in Dark Places (I had

I think so. I used to make a sort of porridge out of it for breakfast with some agave nectar. It is kind of hard to describe, but it's easy to cook, and you can do a lot with it. Very nutrient dense.

Wait, what? I thought it was supposed to be Amy Adams. I read that a while back. I also read today that Charlize Theron and Natalie Portman are the main contenders for Amy.

Paltrow could do it. Rumor has it the contenders are Natalie Portman and Charlize Theron. I think Charlize would be great.

I'm team Amaranth myself.

OK, I know this is sort of recent in a way. . . but go watch tv shows from the 70s, early 80s, say, Charlie's Angels. I watched some Charlie's Angels a while back and was shocked at all the underbutt.

I know what you mean. I work part time, stay with the kids part time, and going to work sometimes feels like a vacation.

One time when I was maybe 14, I just happened to be on the beach at my mom's condo when the turtles started to hatch. We ran and got all the neighbors and we all gathered the turtles and helped them get to the water. It is one of my favorite memories.

Yeah, I just looked it up, and even if your insurance covers abortion, the law mandates that you pay out of pocket for the ultrasound.