
Doesn't the Ohio law actually specify that the woman has to pay for the ultrasound herself? What does that have to do with making an informed choice?

At first I was all, come on! It's only 3 days! Then I realized that the combination of costumes and heat would be really bad. Also, I have non-perspirer privilege maybe.

Wait, is there such a mattress? As a Texan, I would like that. ETA: Oh! There totally is! Whoa.

I had the same issue! They make these things you can put in your bra to catch that milk. I forget what they are called. Something like milk saver, maybe. I didn't discover them until I was past the point of needing them though so haven't tried them myself.

Trick that worked for me: I would nurse my son on one side, which would make the milk let down, and I would pump the other side simultaneously. Worked better than anything else. With my first one I made so much that even with me working 3 days a week I donated insane amounts to the milk bank. I wasn't as productive

And that is the Universe's way of standing with Wendy!

Yes, this is doing it right.

The general rule for younger children is that they can handle as many choices as they have lived years. My 3 year old usually is granted a max of three choices, more often 2, often phrased in such a way as to direct him towards the choice I want him to make.

Thank you for this clarification. I hadn't thought about it that way.

You are correct! But your sarcasm detector might need a slight adjustment ;-)

You know, when I got pregnant with my second child, I thought a lot about if we could afford it, if our marriage could handle the potential stress and so on. I ultimately decided to have him, but it's so important that that was my decision. If I had known that I had no choice but to have him, I have to think I might

And, haha, perhaps 80% or even 100% of the shit bags did vote for them, but the shit bags are hardly 80% of the people, so. . . your grammar is obscuring your meaning.

No we fucking didn't. Have you heard of gerrymandering? Coincidentally why the national house is also still majority GOP despite more actual votes cast for Democrats?

The bit about the masturbating fetus has so much going on. "If it's a male child" because even though we are assuming that there are masturbating 15 week fetuses, we wouldn't go so far to say that female's masturbate now, that would just be crazy.

It's actually not any of your business why women make the choices that they make. Not. Any. Of. Your. Business. At. All.

"people argue" is still not a citation of any kind. People argue that the female body can "shut the whole thing down" in case of rape. Science has proven otherwise. People argue that abortion causes breast cancer. People go so far as to legislate that your doctor must tell you that. However, it's been completely and

She does NOT

I've been watching this with my kids recently, and my five year old keeps asking me to explain why nice is different than good. We've had some interesting conversations.

I have yet to hear that Bernadette Peters turned down the part, and therefore this is an absolute travesty. I mean, I love Streep, but this is Sondheim, and Bernadette Peters is still Mother Effing Bernadette Peters and there is just no excuse for not casting her.