And about the adopted Ethiopian kid. . . in my experience, black or asian kids who are adopted into white families and grow up in neighborhoods where pretty much everyone is white, do tend to be more race conscious.
And about the adopted Ethiopian kid. . . in my experience, black or asian kids who are adopted into white families and grow up in neighborhoods where pretty much everyone is white, do tend to be more race conscious.
Oh my god. I'm now imagining a million Twin Peaks gifs. So many possibilities.
I wonder if that's actually because there was less diversity where you come from? Like everyone around them was brown, there was probably a certain amount of pop culture where everyone was brown, so it was less of a big deal that everyone in entertainment coming from around here was white? That would make a certain…
I knew that one. I think that made the Benjamin Horne revelation even more mind blowing. How was there never some sort of hallucinatory sequence that involved them singing together?
That is my favorite thing that I learned today. My favorite thing from yesterday is that Benjamin Horne from Twin Peaks is also Tony from West Side Story.
Ok, "go behind a tree, no one's looking" is exactly what you tell a small boy when there isn't a nearby bathroom. Don Draper is a shitty dad, but there is nothing wrong with that advice.
Seriously. I don't understand why you dismiss the experience of everyone who says differently. I'm not saying it affects all kids, but it definitely does affect quite a few, and they exist and they matter, and they don't disappear because you say otherwise. A child who never sees superheroes who look like them won't…
Sure, keep digging that hole dude. Just ignore everyone else's posts. They're just making them up! Five year olds don't notice anything! A kid with brown skin never even notices that there weren't any comic books where people looked like them! The whole first page of The Bluest Eye is total bullshit because no one…
Yeah, we had a set up where we were based in the house we grew up in (which my dad was supposed to vacate, but he decided to be a shit about it and my mom didn't want to fight anymore), but we went to our mom's for half of each month and then she had us for most of our school holidays.
Wow. That's awesome for you! I'm sure every other kid in the world has exactly your experience! I'm sure all the people posting about how it did matter to them are just overly sensitive, and should be more like you. It didn't matter to you, therefore it shouldn't matter to anyone. Sound logic there.
I *may* have just teared up a little. Thank you for sharing this.
That's what I was thinking too. I'm pretty new to reading comics and graphic novels, but I'm fascinated by that aspect of them. The idea that you can write a Spiderman origin story that is different from the one people know, but that your character is still Spiderman. The idea that you can just have different versions…
Exactly. That Finnick vibe is so much more important than anyone matching his physical description. It's all about how Finnick can just look at someone and their panties melt away. It's that look. And Williams has it.
Having this turn up on a google search once in a while is hardly the same as having "the rest of their lives ruined". So it comes up on a search. There will be people who will choose not to have these guys at their company or in there lives. There will also be people like you, who don't think it should "ruin their…
I have a feeling it might be a different story if the military "whores" were women. Then it would be all about how they shouldn't be in the military and the old "tax dollars subsidizing your promiscuity" song and dance.
Can we get a montage that includes things like Hanna saying she's going to eat a "big-ass bowl of cocoa puffs" or Spencer having pizza at 4 in case she doesn't get to eat later?
Thank you!
Thank you!
I'd say it's somewhat the latter, but it's more that so many more of us are less oblivious and more outraged, which leads to more coverage, which leads to more outrage. I think that might actually be a sign of things getting better. There was a time when we'd never have even heard this story.