
People in Texas are most certainly protesting. While there aren't enough of us to turn the state blue, we are hardly a tiny minority. We're a minority, yes, but a pretty big one comprising millions of people. And we're getting bigger, and we're getting louder, so I have hope.

Even SXSW? I would almost say that SXSW especially sucks.

Rick Perry is mostly just an idiot. We need to worry about Greg Fucking Abbott, current attorney general, possible next governor. He is one of the truly evil people whispering in Rick Perry's easily influenced ear.

There are few feelings that compare with freeing one's breasts from the bra at the end of the day. I've found this remains true even with a pretty comfy bra.

I'm not heading to Kansas, but I can promise you would feel totally at home in Austin. It's true that there are more moms who are the primary caregivers, but I see a lot of exceptions, and as far as I can tell, we all think those guys/couples are great! I've also seen quite a few families where they have been lucky

I'd like to read that post, if you're not worried that posting the link would just cause MRA lurkers to go to your site and be assholes.

I would buy that shirt for everyone I know.

I hope he got an earful from her when he got home.

I've seen this happen over and over, so I'm not exactly surprised, but WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? *headdesk* I never get remotely inured to this shit. Every time it's shocking all over again. As it should be. Because it's awful, and I don't want to be desensitized.

That's what I thought too. I get that she knowingly broke a rule (even if it was a dumb rule) even after her request for an exception was denied. So, while I think it's petty, I get the headmaster deciding she couldn't walk in the ceremony, but denying her her diploma? WTF? Did wearing a feather make her retroactively

True, but they have convinced those voters that their policies on guns and god do benefit them. They haven't been able to come up with anything that even pretends to benefit women.

Your comment makes me wonder if I would have loved Beauty Queens as much if I had read Gemma Doyle first. I know that after I read the trilogy, I didn't really like Going Bovine. I listened to Beauty Queens on audio, read by the author, and kept laughing out loud in the middle of trying to work out. Then I found the

Let's have a roundtable with E. Lockhart, Maureen Johnson, Libba Bray, and Shannon Hale. I would love that so much.

LIBBA BRAY!!! Excuse my shouting, but I think Beauty Queens should be required reading for everyone. I love the Gemma Doyle trilogy too. She is so beautifully feminist and sex positive and I recommend her to all the young adults that I know.

You know, I watched that clip, and I saw something different than other people saw. That food product thing was awful, but for most of that segment, you had Bill O'Reilly acting so fucking gross, and Megyn Kelly looking like she was disgusted with him and doing her best not to vomit, and to try to keep her job but she

I have small ear canals too. I generally have to get them cleaned out every few years. If I ignore it, I'll get ear infections too, which suck.

Oooh! Thanks for posting that.

I did that too! I was an advanced reader, but I remember sneaking around with the Bearenstein Bears for longer than one would think. I also loved to read the picture books to my little sisters.

My five year old is really into comics, and it seems like it's doing only positive things for him.

That's what my school did with me at that age. Granted, it was a k-12, so I got special permission to go to the middle school library, but even letting her have some chapter books would be a step.