I just read The Heart is a Lonely Hunter for the first time last year and was blown away. So good. Will definitely read more of her work, but haven't decided what to pick up next.
I just read The Heart is a Lonely Hunter for the first time last year and was blown away. So good. Will definitely read more of her work, but haven't decided what to pick up next.
Also, I really don't understand how that leg is supposed to connect to her body? The angle is really weird, like Photoshop of Horrors except it's not a photograph so there's really no excuse.
OK, I am going to giggle about that for probably days.
I remember that part too, but everyone I've ever met read some sort of censored version only, so thank you for validating my memory!
For whatever reason, I got great sex ed in elementary school, maybe 4th or 5th grade. The middle school sex ed was HORRIBLE, but the elementary one was great. They had all the girls with this woman who came in just to teach us about our bodies, and she made us all fell really comfortable. I bring this up, because I…
That's so good to know. I have read the same articles you have, and they paint a pretty ugly picture. What needs to happen now is that administrators at your school (and any other school that is doing this right) need to start conducting seminars/training for the administration of other schools. They might have to…
I have spent a lot of time in Florida and GOOD LORD THE FLYING ROACHES! Even the non-flying roaches are huge, like exposed-to-comic-book-style-radiation huge.
I must say that singing with other people is a great feeling. I wish that we, as a culture just sang with each other more, then one wouldn't have to actually join a choir.
Someone already mentioned kids who have allergies that prevent their vaccination (I know a kid who cannot receive a whooping cough vaccine) but there is also the fact that several diseases, like whooping cough are almost always fatal to infants who are too young to receive the vaccine. So if you don't get your child…
This occurred to me as well. I never pursued any sort of degree in child development, but I've also worked with children my entire life, and am more than qualified to do so by experience and inclination. So, degrees might not be the right standard. Maybe essay tests detailing how you deal with specific situations or…
OK, I'm giggling now.
We occasionally get a good one in there. Lloyd Doggett is pretty great, for example. They have been tremendously effective in splitting up liberal voting areas which accounts for a lot, but, and I say this as a 7th generation Texan, there are parts of the state that are pretty much a closed circle of self-perpetuating…
From what I've read, late term abortion often is a financial issue. The woman has had a hard time scraping the money together for the procedure, and couldn't get the cash together in time.
He has been in that mysterious "out of town" place where Spencer's parents always are. Maybe it's Ravenswood!
Noooooooo! I need at least one good dad on that show. Just one so that the Byron Montgomery parts have some sort of antidote.
I know! He lives in Austin, and I always hope I'll randomly meet him some day. I remember this one True Blood recap where he stopped the recap and did a feminist analysis of the werewolf boy vs vampire boy trope for about 3 pages. It was amazing.
Oh, good.
Good tip, thanks!
That asshole is EVERYWHERE today. Gaaaaaah!!!