
And I guess we can't edit comments anymore? Still learning the new system. I was going to change "predator" to "predator or useless", Hanna's dad being more in the "useless" category.

I keep trying to reply to this, and as I get fidgety and move the window around, my reply disappears, so I have lost a rather well though out couple of paragraphs. Bummer.

I haven't seen that, and I am a sucker for mysteries!

I don't care if you judge me for my Pretty Little Liars marathons. I'm 2/3 through season 2 again. Best show on television, people, I am telling you.

I've found some good tips in books by The Queen of Clean! That is where I learned to mix peroxide with baking soda to clean my ancient porcelain bathtub. It is the only thing that has every worked well.

I love how alcohol-specific this is. I need a real Coke somewhere in there for every kind of hangover though. Goes well with the dry toast and the whimpering.

Honestly. Occasionally it's kind of fun to argue with a troll, and occasionally it's quite productive to argue with someone who is coming from an ok place but just does not get it, but this guy? This is not just pointless, this is not just troll-feeding, this is B-O-O-O-O-O-O-RING.

huh. I actually thought she looked really beautiful here and was wondering why they put such an unflattering pic of the generally lovely Kate next to a really flattering pick of Kim.

I'm having a formatting issue that I can't seem to figure out. I tried a couple of browsers and same issue. So, I see the first couple comment threads, click the right arrow, get the next 2, no problem, but any farther than that, and the two comments spread out so that you can't read either of them.

"boobfundus" is being added to my personal dictionary.

Thanks! I love when people get it.

Oh, definitely. An intelligent one, who sometimes seems worth entering into discussion with, but who usually disappoints by turning out to be more of an asshole than you first thought. Kind of trolly mostly, though not always, and more subtle than most trolls.

Well then, I'm glad we misunderstood each other, so that I got an alternate perspective on the film. I love good horror movies, and often find myself in the position of defending them to people too.

Once again, I don't know if it does or doesn't since I haven't seen it. Yes, people are making this argument, not the argument the OP thought they were making. I clarified what the OP misunderstood, and I stated that I can't comment on this particular film. I'm not really sure what statement of mine exactly you

I would upvote this and then create a burner account to upvote it again.

Well, if you read my comment, you'll see that I am not personally making that claim about this specific film. I'm pretty clear about that. As for the rest, I don't have time to explain rape culture to you. It's a thing that exists.

Read my comment again. I stated categorically that I am not personally making that statement. I simply said that I think that is the comment being made by the article and other posters. I can't comment on the Evil Dead movie specifically. But if you just don't think rape culture is an actual thing, then I'm not going

There's a difference between something promoting a thing and being about a thing. The question with this sort of scene is always "which is it?" Alien, for example, is about the thing, it's examining and thinking about the thing, as opposed to saying "woohoo! rape and violation! good times!"

I second the rec for Tomato Nation. I had forgotten about them. Another good source is the goodreads "What's the Name of that Book" group. I've found a few things that way, and helped others as well.

I started really enjoying Martha Stewart after she got out of jail and reporters were asking her what she missed, and she was all - Lemons. I missed lemons. Now, check out this poncho I'm wearing that was knitted for me by a woman I hung out with in prison.