Wow. What'd she do to piss you off so much? This is a pretty scathing take-down of a pretty vanilla figure. You should save this vitriol for those who truly deserve it (especially since the whole thin/blonde thing isn't her fault; sure, she is benefitting from it but it isn't her that gave her the mag covers or…
Cole Porter talking to Greta Garbo:
People will probably just offer to buy you dinner instead. It is HIGHLY DISAPPOINTING.
I thought it said handjobs too. I read your comment, realized I was wrong, then got more confused as to why I didn't think "socialism and handjobs" would be a weird pairing...
Yes, tank of gas is an option! Apparently you have to select from a list of specific options, which is lame.
I am currently attempting to run a con on Carrot Dating. I am failing. I requested a KitchenAid mixer, but so far people have only tried to "bribe" me with dinner or a drink. Which doesn't sound like a bribe at all, just a plain old date with no bribe. In that case, what is the point?
Deee Lite believes in the power of love.
Look, one of his relatives is already hooking up on the app!
I'm sorry, but this is a much more offensive appropriation of black culture than anything Miley Cyrus has ever done.
Fuck this article and it's casual attitude toward unplanned pregnancy.
Interesting. I could say the same things about my divorce. I think it's an issue of how an unexpected crisis can cause you to reevaluate your choices. If you're lucky, you're in a position where you can face everything and rise.
They don't sell the bras. I'm pretty sure they're just a publicity thing for the catwalk show (which works. Sadly). Afterwards they probably melt them down and use the gems again the following year/give them back to the jeweller they were borrowed from.
Motorboating for breast cancer awareness guys can make their next prank thrusting their faces deep into a bathtub full of warm human excrement for colon cancer or Crohn's disease.
But old rich gay men run around with hot young guys all the time. No one can claim that the gay community is less concerned with physical appearance than the straight community. But somehow, it is not surprising to anyone when young gay men choose their partners based upon something other than youth and hotness. Men…
There are plenty of older women who just want to bang young dudes. Maybe it's just easier for them to find that without paying the fees though.
Your whole post is making me well up. How can people be so insensitive. But then again, I work with a person that thinks there should be a set time when a person should stop grieving and "pull themselves together."
I actually feel better when I think about the "This, too, shall pass" saying. I remember even writing it on my wall as a severely depressed teenager in a really fucked up life situation. Reminding myself that on the great graph of life, there are ups, and downs, and averages, and that we always get back to one or the…
it has, thank you very much. I wasn't really going to talk about it here, on this thread, because the poster doesn't need someone playing Top My Woe (you think you got it bad? let me tell YOU!....) but the number of people here telling her to just 'suck it up and don't bother other people with your pain/don't take…
I will raise you with "God doesn't give you more than you can handle". Fuck THAT. If that's your God, no wonder people are atheists.