
Oh my god, my mom is the worst for "this too shall pass". Yoooo what, really? I was expecting to feel shitty til I died! I couldn't possibly just want a tiny bit of comfort, or just to vent, in this particular moment before it passes just like everything else.

Let me add one (actually several, but conveying the same sentiment).

Agreed. I will never understand how people who would never suggest you meditate your cancer away will look upon you with scorn if you try to medicate your mental illness. If you can manage your illness without them, all the respect in the world to you, but there's no reason to hate on people who do better on meds.

Exactly! Meds have changed my life. And for the record, my mom desperately tried to teach me deep-breathing techniques as a child to manage my anxiety. It worked - kind of, but not at all as well as medication!

Why must people criticize other people's management of their mental disorders? It's one thing for Lena to say meditation works for her, but to say she's "thankful" she wasn't put on meds suggests going on medication is harmful. This attitude is all too common; I've dated guys & had friends who had depression or mood

Shocking people just to shock people isn't comedy, especially when you don't have a point you're trying to get across with the faux racist/sexist jokes. Chris Rock did it best because he would say something shocking, then TEACH YOU A LESSON ABOUT IT. I'm so sick of today's lazy comedians.

I think some of my friends who moved out of the NYC were a little shocked to see how pervasive, but more subtle, the peer pressure and conformity were out some suburbs, as well. It may be a given that you're going to the local public school, but holy hell the intensity of school sports and extracurricular activities

I've had : "We just wanted to tell you that you're very pretty for a black girl."

Here's what I think would have happened if things had been going well, or even sort of well.

I might not have sex with him because I was too busy squealing "BUN BUN!" and petting it, but not because it magically disappeared his peen.

Made my husband, an avid animal rescuer, read this. He said, "Maybe that guy isn't very good at sex."

This is weird, considering that most women I know (myself included) would see an attractive man with a widdle bunny and immediately throw their panties across the room. It's definitely not the rabbit, dude.

Theory: This man's bunny is actually psychic and is warning women away from dating this man. Excellent work, young bunny! Keep trying to scare them off, and if all else fails and it seems like they will have sex with him, keep running into the room and giving the "Danger! Danger!" sign.

Of COURSE Miley will. Because people will talk about it, and that's what she wants. I hate her so much right now.

Those Terry Richardson/Miley photos are foul. Even for a Strategic Hot Mess.

The MRAs are unsurprisingly out in full force. I dismissed a few stunningly stupid trolls, too. It's never worth engaging.

2011 graduate from the LA dating pool here. The older and smarter you set your sights, the more you'll enjoy it. There are a whole lot of funny, brilliant, interesting dudes here. And the ones who like those of us who said good-bye to 27 many years ago are well worth it. The one I eventually settled down with is just

Light beer will make you split the check (which is only 12 dollars!!!) and also shoot you judgy eyes when you order a non-light beer because CARBS!