
Sorry, but this is way too specific and the tone is way too on point for me to buy this as a hoax.

I'm laughing, really. I'm glad it's been exorcised from your being and has found a new home. I vaguely remember hearing about Haze and now, with the help of short term memory loss, I can forget him again. :)

Is there any evidence that he actually forced them to carry him? Could it not have been a playful agreement? Maybe they like showing how strong they are, and somebody dared them to carry him up the stairs? I'm not saying that's the case, but let's not jump to conclusions. Why do i even care

That's how I read it too. It felt like the end of the world when I started having depression symptoms a little before age 13. Nobody was checking in with kids' mental health though, if you looked fine on the outside and weren't failing in school.

So Tom Hanks is sweet and cool and all that. His son Colin seems OK as well. So what the hell happened to make Chet Hanks such a douche?

Ew. Ugh indeed. That would certainly shed a whole new light on the subject matter.

edit because double post. but, also edited because BREW DOGS!

I am virtually the same age as her, and I thought the writing in Prozac Nation was devoid of wit or originality when it came out; the only reason it had any success was timing and marketing (she was young, pretty and happy to pose semi-nude). This has been borne out by all her writing since then, which has been

Yes. I'm almost the same age as her and quite frankly never related to anything she wrote. Her looks-obsessed and cooler than thou attitude might have worked briefly when she was in her 20's but it doesn't wear well, as they say. I'd much rather be a frumpy 40-something with my life together (albeit sometimes

Didn't Anna Gunn win? And the show won for Best Drama...

Jesse forever. And ever, and ever, and ever.

Whaesiraowekjrkja;lknoooooooo!!3094iqujwelakmdsfkgOMGWTFgalksjdf;aksjdfoaiweurpqo32984-0934uieroafjdslkfcpawoif !!!! :( :( :( sdkjflaksjdfoqiweru8iafogvnlkjas;ldk

And that, in a nutshell, sums up my problem with Girls. I laughed so hard at that I think I peed a little.

"It's okay. You're only 15."
"No, I'm not. I'm 24."

We are in complete agreement on this approach, and I feel for her, too.

Yes, how very sexy! That's right up there with, "Oh, by the way, I have gonorrhea."

"Today is my last day so bye, guys! It's been the rillest."

Don't give Brandi Glanville ideas!

I cannot wait to watch this tonight.

I want someone to pre-taste Pharrell's Qream for me. That sounds so much dirtier than it should.