
I'm in recovery (for a long time, over 15 years) and I've seen over and over that even if some people get sober, they'll continue to indulge their need to escape their feelings/ reality in any number of ways- food, spending $$$, promiscuity, raging out, etc. In Lindsay's case, she seems unable to live life without

It's pretty crazy that she seems to have money for a sober companion, a personal fitness/ wellness trainer, a personal assistant, and a stay at a very expensive rehab facility but can't seem to understand that she needs to work to get money! Was the show picking up the tab for everything? I can't remember.

I would never put his work on the same level as Helmut Newton and Robert Mapplethorpe. They created iconic images that had style, real edginess, and were truly artists. Helmut Newton did plenty of work for fashion mags and ad campaigns, but he was miles about Terry Richardson in his talent, no matter what the job.

The Britney Spears sweaty silver space-top ("It's good to cook in your own juices!!"- NOOO!!!!!!!!) reminds me of a certain segment in Jackass 3D, where one of the guys is wrapped in plastic & put on an elliptical machine to collect his sweat... never mind. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're one of the

I noticed that too! I figured it was because Lindy always writes the evening Bag. and it does show the author. Yoo-hoo... Jezebel... please change!

I was in a salon today where the had CNN on a wall TV w/closed captioning. I watched the same stories over and over and over; they were all speculating about the plane and what happened, complete with talking heads, retired pilots, "aviation experts"... it was crazy-making. Quite a lot of the theories Lindy listed

Me too! I plowed through these books. Of course I love them more than the movies; the world is described in more detail and the characters have more depth. They're also way more violent- you'll see that they could have easily been R-rated movies, but they toned it down b/c they must have known they had a hit on their

She heard someone talking about "Orange is the New Black" and took it literally (pause for laughter)... but seriously, those are Princeton's colors. Or, she loves Halloween.

There's a lot of mystery around 12 step groups (and TV/ movies ALWAYS get it wrong!) and even though it must remain anonymous re: identity of its members, it helps other people to understand what goes on there, especially if someone reading might be considering trying AA. I like explaining things like this- it helps

Thanks! It's definitely the best thing I've ever done and I haven't looked back. I truly don't miss my drinking days. I do feel a little sympathy for LL because as another alcoholic, I know I can be a very rough road, and there's never really a guarantee why one person makes it and another doesn't. It's pretty

Here's the deal... AA has these things called the 12 Traditions; they're alongside the 12 Steps. The 12 traditions are the guidelines for how AA as a whole is run; it took a while for the founding members of AA to start setting some guidelines & principles about how meetings can remain a safe place for anyone to get

Bravo TV has done the near-impossible... showing us men who are just as hollow and loathsome as most of the women on their programs (see: Real Housewives, Vanderpump Rules, etc)! Between this show and Southern Charm, they must have had market research telling them the horrible women market is saturated; bring on the

I knew a woman back in NYC who was his girlfriend for many, many years. She was sweet, friendly, smart and beautiful. I never understood what the attraction was. I think there was a similar background of successful moneyed families, and other shared issues that can bring people together. She was also very young when

Re: your last point- I agree that this is just a really unattractive pictorial that doesn't do any of the clothing any favors. The horribly offensive art direction is the biggest problem, but it's also just really ugly. The model is making strange faces, the poses & styling obscure what are probably some very

He never breaks character, either. I absolutely love him. I have friends who write for The Daily Show, and I'd never tell them that I look forward way more to The Colbert Report. Consistently awesome.

I had the same reaction to Ethan Hawke when it came out that he had cheated on Uma Thurman (who is basically a GODDESS); he said all sorts of stupid things justifying why it happened.... I still can't stand his face. I was laughing and clapping at the end of Sinister, if you know what I mean... and if you don't know,

He should be old enough to know by now that you can never truly delete something once you've put it online... someone has copied it, shared it, forwarded it, reposted it... Sorry, Thurston, no "backsies".

I LOVE STEPHEN COLBERT SO MUCH. I saw the commercials for Greek Yogurt Body Wash a while ago, and no.

One of my closest girlfriends has incredible tattoos covering most of her body (she has her entire left leg covered- like an arm sleeve but a leg sleeve, plus one arm, plus her neck, front and back of torso, you get the idea). She designed them all herself and has worked with the same artist for years, the ink has

For someone who must have a lot of disposable income, these are not the finest tattoos I've ever seen... Sorry if that's knocking the artists who did these ones (plus had to deal with his lovely personality and his entourage), but many people I know have tattoos and there are some really incredible artists out there.