
Yes- there was that guy who did a blackface performance somewhere, and was pissed off when quite a few people were offended and complained. He said something along the lines of, "Hey, I've slept with some black chicks, I'm not racist."

I totally agree! One moment everyone LOVES her (and I'm a fan) then suddenly it's open hate season. If Jennifer Lawrence had won the best supporting actress oscar instead of Lupita N'yongo, can you IMAGINE the level of complete loathing that would be flooding in today?

Plus, the other two nominees were not going to win, no matter what... The Lone Ranger with its racist Johnny Depp Native American get-up, and Bad Grandpa,which did have brilliant makeup but was made by the Jackass Guys. DBC almost won by default, but it did have really good makeup, so I'd say it deserved the win.

Wasn't Alec Baldwin going to disappear for a while? That lasted almost a few days!

Also, I don't know if her being trans nominates her for the GDOJ, but I'm including her as a person who can right the wrongs perpetuated by those who discriminate against any people who fall outside of the "norm" aka anyone they don't understand and aren't willing to try to learn from.

Also, we need to include the woman who was on The Colbert Report a few days ago talking about Trans-gender equality- I think her name was Janet Mock? She utterly shot down Piers Morgan for his commentary on her recent interview with him, and he was a total cry-baby. It is it OK I'm saying she? I hope so. Damn, she was

Do you mean the condescending attitudes of angry white male blow-hards? I worked in a business for over 21 years where even though the vast majority of us were women ( my last company was over 90% women, someone actually did the stats), the upper management was mostly older white men, and yes, they were mostly smug

I was very young (17-21 years old were my clubbing years) and could stay up all night + still get through school w/excellent grades *sigh*. Can't do that anymore, of course.

I loved Shear Genius!!! I know April Barton from back in NYC- she was on the show too. Tabitha is AMAZING- her style was incredible; I loved how she's swoop in with a fierce black ensemble and killer high heel boots, and tell those people they needed to get their shit together w/o any sugar coating. WHY DID BRAVO NOT

I think it's been done already- remember James St. James wrote a book about being a door person all those years? Also, remember Party Monster, about Michael Alig? I go-go danced for him a few times back at the Limelight :-). It was back before all the drugs really took over and everything got very dark... Ecstasy was

Ru and Tim would be such great mentors to the others for putting their super-suits together. They would gently guide, not dictate.

I LOVE IT! However, Zane and Jana (I think those were their names, I can't remember) had pretty lame powers... one of them could transform into anything water-related, and the other could become an animal (?). I think Anderson and Maddow should have better powers; they're too smart to have such limited abilities.

I would like to nominate Anderson Cooper, Tim Gunn, and Ru Paul. And Tabitha from Tabitha Takes Over (I can't remember her last name, but she is a total fierce superwoman).

And wizzle in the hizzle, he shall. Stupid Bieber.

Drugs weren't my thing (I was a stone-cold drunk) so I never had to do any drug testing. I hear all these stories about how drug tests can be faked... I'm sure some aren't true, but it doesn't seem a fool-proof way to keep someone clean. I have a feeling Biebs is going to skate past this one; it seems celebrities tend

Surely the Bieb has enough money to get someone on his payroll to hang around and supply him with clean urine when needed... people in rehabs and sober living houses fake drug tests this way all the time (don't ask me how they do the switcheroo, I've never been in a rehab/ sober living!). I've been sober & going to

I'm very happy to hear this!

The Stroke Belt? Billy Squire sang that, right?

I hated this movie too; I was embarrassed that it was supposed to be some definitive statement of that generation (I was 23 the year it came out). I wanted to scream, "WE'RE NOT ALL LIKE THIS!!!" So fucking entitled and whiny. I didn't understand why Ben Stiller's character was supposed to be so awful; he took her on

I hear you! I worked in design for 21 years, and it was really awful that no one can afford to manufacture in the USA anymore. I'll give them a little credit for at least trying to keep that going.