The Big Lebowski edit also came up in the bad movie thread... Here's another gem someone said:
The Big Lebowski edit also came up in the bad movie thread... Here's another gem someone said:
Coincidentally, there's a terrible movie edit thread going on my favorite movie discussion page... apparently there an overdub in the movie Repo Man (1985)- Someone yells, "FLIP YOU, MELON FARMER!!"
That is AMAZING. Thank you so much for sharing this with me... what were they thinking??? Did they just get tired of trying to over-dub curses and couldn't figure out what to do here... I'd like to suggest, "Yippie-ki-yay, my friend Flicka!"
MR. FALCON??? That wins the prize. Thank you for sharing that with me. I must share this with my favorite Facebook movie discussion page!
The way movie edits try to replace the F—-word is always hilarious!!! "Flip you" is now neck-in-neck w/another fave choice (and I cannot for the life of me remember what movie it's in)- "FOOL YOU! YOU FOOLIN' JERK!"
I meant mobbing About Last Night, not Robocop! Just wanted to clear that up. I was kind of startled to see an entire family there to see Robocop; the husband and wife and 3 kids that looked to be around 3, 5 and 8 years old! Yikes!I mean, great to have the whole family out together, but Robocop? Really? Then again,…
It was pretty terrible... the editing, I mean. Typical things like people yelling "BULL-ONY!" instead of "BULLSHIT!" The commercial breaks every 3 minutes were what really wrecked it. It made it impossible to become engaged with what was going on.
Did you see Janet Mock on The Colbert Report last night? It was awesome. Please, someone post the link!
However, I didn't see the original Robocop until the next day- it just happened to be on Spike when I woke up. I didn't really get the full experience- the play time was THREE HOURS b/c of all the commercials, and of course it was heavily edited for TV. Paul Verhoven has that sick, satirical sense of humor that really…
I enjoyed it... I loved Samuel L. Jackson as a blow-hard right wing pro-military pundit, the supporting cast was part of why I liked it (aforementioned Mr. Jackson, Jackie Earle Haley, Michael Keaton, Gary Oldman, Jay Baruschel, Abbie Cornish, the actor who plays David Lee on The Good Wife, which is an excellent show…
I went to see Robocop on Valentine's Day evening; yes, I sat alone in a theatre with a big bag of candy and watched a violent shoot-em-up scifi movie. I enjoyed myself immensely, and yes, I'm single. Anyway, the theatre that night was PACKED with date-night couples (duh, Valentine's Day) and most of them were mobbing…
The first and only season is still available on iTunes.
There was a short-lived TV series called Huge, about a group of young people at a weight loss camp. Hayley Hasselhoff was one of the stars, and she's gorgeous. She was very good in the show. If you've never seen Huge, I'd recommend checking it out on iTunes. There were some sappy moments & plot lines, but overall I…
A girlfriend of mine got engaged to a man years ago (while he was still married... did I mention he was a terrible con man?), and he gave her a 5 carat canary diamond in a white gold setting. Of course, she had it valued when she started to suspect he was not quite the terrific guy he thought she was... It turned out…
Drainage in the East Village was always horrible, so enormous puddles would back up from the sewers and either destroy shoes or cause tidal waves of filthy water all over you when cars sped past.
I think after a while the weather forecasters just start making shit up.... they get tired of saying, "Windy, snow showers, sleet, freezing rain...", so they just throw around words until something sounds sort of appropriate. Most new phrases (my personal fave "THUNDERSNOW"!!!!) sound like titles of SyFy movies (like…
I guess there won't be a divorce app... that would be too depressing; besides, most people just write "single" to update their profile after a divorce.
In light of how incredibly stupid these commercials are, maybe we could think of this as a blessing... the POC, gay couples were spared from the stupidity? Just trying to put out some levity; I understand your point.
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I agree with everything you said. I haven't had the feeling that people are telling their stories as a way of saying they're like a famous person and somehow making their recovery about themselves, I see it as "It can happen to all of us... we don't know his personal journey, but this is how it…
Looks like Teddy Ruxpin... remember that creepy animatronic bear that you'd put cassettes of books on tape inside, and he'd "read" the book to your children, all the while drunkenly nodding and blinking slowly. The best thing to do with him was to put in a tape of something really creepy, like "The Shining", and see…