
Just when I thought he couldn't become more awesome, he does this... I saw him about 6-7 years ago in Madison Square Garden, and I cannot express how amazing he was. He is sooooooo talented; he played guitar, sang, danced, and did SPLITS, all the while smiling and making it look effortless. For over 2 hours. Midway

Love your story!! I'm 43, and just went full-on hot pink/ fuchsia. At first I just added fuchsia streaks to my already red dyed hair, and well, eventually the accents took over.

I worked with her for 10 years and it was my dream job. She is as wonderful as you'd hope she would be. Friendly, funny, humble, and incredibly generous. And, has more talent, creativity and energy than anyone I've ever met. She is a total sweetheart.

If that's the case, show attendances will drop somewhat... sometimes people who get tickets do send their assistants/ interns b/c they can't get away from the office themselves, or as a special perk to the assistants/ interns who don't otherwise get their own invites. This used to happen at the last company I worked

I couldn't believe Courtney Loves Dallas... so incredibly horrible. However, I did enjoy it every week, because my sister and I would have a running commentary back and forth over Facebook a la Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (yes, I'm a big nerd). That part was so much fun. Courtney showing up on TV was like an annoying

I did catch the last show yesterday (I was taking photos for my eBay store, and wanted noise in the background... well, it sure was noisy)... I loved Jax getting punched in the face, and the look of genuine shock on Stassi's face when Kristen (? not sure which girl- there are 2 skinny brunettes that look alike to me)

I agree completely. The thing I never understood about the fashion industry using him so consistently is that his photography has never evolved beyond what it has always been. It's all the same; somewhat over-exposed faux spontaneous, usually w/something pervy going on or insinuated perviness. No evolution. His ads he

I watch a lot of terrible reality TV, but even I can't stomach this show. Petty pretty people acting poorly.

You can in California. There's also alcohol in the supermarkets; it's a whole new world out here. If I wasn't 15yr sober I'd be on such a bender w/all the easy access!

Help me out, fellow Jezebelles... I was on Gawker yesterday and got into a bit of a tiff w/some commenters. A commenter wrote a post about how "his wife worked with PSH on some charity fund raising events, and he was always very friendly and helpful... she also saw him casing the medicine cabinet in someone's house."

YES! It reminds me of that guy who called himself "Mystery" and advised men wear odd accessories to attract attention and provide a conversation starting point (which I can only imagine would be, "What the hell were you thinking???"). He wore terrible things like little feather boas and furry hats with goggles perched

It was so sweet how he talked about Riddick and that it was #1 on the DVD charts... he's SO CUTE!!!!! I never saw him ever smiling in movies, he always does the bad-ass no smile roles.

I agree.

I really like Jezebel and find the comment posts just as interesting (sometimes more interesting) as the articles. However, I see a lot of double standards and contradictory statements from the writers regarding what's acceptable/ not acceptable. We should all have positive body images and applaud all different shapes

We will all overlook grammatical errors b/c we can assume there is some blood-loss from the brain as it rushes south towards the loins as these discussions of hotness continue.

SIZE 8 IS CONSIDERED PLUS SIZE??? Holy shit. I mean, I know that runway models are wafer thin, and lingerie models are very thin but have some boobs and booty to properly show off the fit of the garments, but size 8 as plus size? Any time I've fit a plus-size style, our fit model was a size 18. I guess in comparison

I THOUGHT THE EXACT SAME THING!!!! Eight people??? I would have to try a seriously large amount of diets to make this sciencey science true.

A girlfriend ended a very toxic relationship, and the guy tried to fake her out a few times by friending her through fake accounts/ people he made up since she did block him. You probably already know this, but be super careful about any friend requests you accept, even if you have some mutual friends that might have

I did this to a few people too. So easy, and for some reason not a lot of people know about it. Good luck to the OP w/getting rid of this clueless creep.

OMFG Lupita in that turquoise dress!!! Even with all the giant gem encrusted embellishment, she pulls it off and looks so stunning.