
I don't like her much either, but if I was her I'd wonder "What kind of hideous monster do these people think I am?", because the photos aren't touched very much. They look like her, just a bit more polished. In the photo w/the bathtub, it looks like they were trying to correct the dress more than Lena; you could see

Oh, I'm soooo waiting for the horror that this show will no doubt be. I have a friend who I always refer to as my silly socialite girlfriend- she has shit-tons of money and her life is so far out of what I consider normal that I'm not envious. It's more like going to a museum and seeing how entirely different cultures

I love the commercials for Nutella where they try to make it sound like a healthy choice to serve your kids... "It has natural ingredients, like skim milk and hazelnuts, with just a touch of cocoa." No, it's a big, gooey sugar bomb that most people just eat by the spoonful, like canned cake frosting (which I am

That was one of the easiest photos I've ever found. Enjoy!

Does anyone else remember the scandal that happened many years ago where Oprah's head was photoshopped onto Ann Margaret's body? Yes, people- not just another woman, but a white woman!

I loved Jennifer Lawrence, and she was fun and super over-the-top in this movie. Oscar worthy? I don't know. I haven't seen 12 Years a Slave, so I'm not going to say one way or another.

I really loved it, but it was much too long. The performances were great, the story was interesting, and I liked the feeling that everyone was having a blast playing these strange, corrupt characters. It seems to be a very polarizing movie, though- I've talked to just as many people that loved it as hated it.

I've never been able to feel the same way about his movies since the scandal broke out many years ago. I don't care how much people gushed over Blue Jasmine, Midnight in Paris, and Vicky Christina Barcelona, I haven't seen any of them. I just don't want to give that little creep any of my money.Sometimes I can

Of course, the people who want to restrict access to birth control and abortions are the same people who don't want to raise the minimum wage, then complain that women who have too many children want handouts and too much money for minimum wage jobs. It's like, you must have these children because life is sacred, but

That book was terrifying. The minimum wage is really not enough to give someone enough to live on... the author's description of being exhausted all the time from occasionally having to do 2 jobs, or long grueling shifts on her feet at crazy hours, eating cheap junk food because healthy things are too expensive, I

If you can stay drunk, hungry, sleepless and crazy enough, you could win The Bachelor's heart!!! If there's one kind of woman all men want, it's the wasted & unbalanced type.

I loved this... When Trey Parker and Matt Stone are on their game, they nail it (and they usually are on their game).

I've also heard it's hard to sleep since they're mostly in small quarters. In a show like Project Runway, I've heard that's the main issue. A friend of mine was on the crew for that show, and he said the pace is grueling. When I don't get enough sleep, I feel emotionally whacked; I can't imagine being under pressure

I've heard most reality shows love to have tons of booze on set to pump up the emotions/ drama... it's like being in a bar of only women and they're all fighting over the same man. Oh, wait... that's exactly what happens. Why were so many ladies fleeing that particular season? I've only caught an episode or two over

Any fun tidbits from behind the scenes? I'm assuming it must have been a bad experience since she left early, but anything in particular happen that you can share?

Here's another...

The swarming collection of different fonts would keep me far, far away, if there weren't already multiple other reasons to stay far, far away. At least it appears he can spell. Witness this gem I found on Match.com:

I hate to say it, but I doubt she'd be where she is now without the family connection and financial clout. Take away all that, and do you think she'd be where she is? And yes, I'd say this if we were talking about a 27 year-old guy i/o a woman. It's about who you know.

"At least she doesn't have constant access to her daughter: “It’s healthy that we have a break,” she says of being away from her daughter. “She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I’m doing mine,” Farrah add"

I have 2 dogs; they're 6 1/2 pound Papillions, and lucky for me their poops are generally the size of tootsie rolls. I usually just have a bunch of napkins with me, the ones you can get at Starbucks or any other take-out food place. I pick up the poop w/the napkins and toss it in the trash that way. I figure the paper