
There's also a podcast called Read it and Weep, where they talk about bad books and occasionally TV shows & movies. It's great; especially funny is their take-down of the 50 Shades of Grey books. They've only done the first two, and have sworn that no amount of money will make them do the last nook in the series

Check out The Flop House, if you listen to We Hate Movies you will love these guy. 2 out of 3 hosts are writers on the Daily Show, and they are so smart and funny. They review terrible movies; for a first listen I would recommend the episode where they discuss The Oogieloves movie.

Hmm. Recovering Alcoholic here. Been going to AA for over 15 years, never regretted quitting. I couldn't have done it without the support of AA. My health and life in general is terrific. So, kindly go fuck yourself with a rusty chainsaw, then sit on a mountain of rock salt.

I really hate how the review first mentions her physical appearance (and, of course, has to make snide comments about body makeup)... I know that the costumes/ her body are part of her image as a young, sexy pop star, but c'mon. If it was a guy doing a Vegas show, would that be the first thing they'd focus on? I agree

I've ordered some Lelo vibrators from Babeland, but don't know if they have the most expensive toys... here's a fun website if you want to browse around for some crazy pricey things, many of them are quite beautiful. Enjoy!

A mutant is cool if it's an X-men type mutant. What would her name be?

I figured the whole thing was bullshit when I noticed there was an endless re-run of Duck Dynasty on A&E. The network is behind the show, they probably can't afford to lose them. What a farce.

It's funny how things changed around that time in fashion... not only did slim become chic (whereas before thinness was seen as a sign of poverty and poor health), but being tan became popular... that used to be seen as a sign of having to do outdoor labor, but it became a sign of having the leisure time to sunbathe

The 26th is the day where from 8am to 12pm, shoppers that have a Saks rewards card (or something like that) get 40% off already marked down merchandise ON THE LEGENDARY DESIGNER SHOE FLOOR. There are huge lines, and one year an actual fist-fight broke out among the fancy ladies waiting. Mind you, after 12pm it went

Yes... I live in LA, and have seen her around a few times. She really is that gorgeous, and her skin is flawless! It isn't covering up blemishes; you can tell when people are doing that. She's funny, articulate and sweet.

I agree... this was a horrific crime, and should not be addressed in a GOSSIP COLUMN. Totally disgusting.

I'd really like to know what she'd posted while this was happening:

She had me at "Cock-blocktopus".

There is/was a similar big bar-crawl event where everyone dressed in Snuggies/ Slankets. At least that way you could just let it go, no pants to pull down. If you needed to go for pants, there's also the Forever Lazy, which has an infomercial featuring a man running to the bathroom to use his (wait for it) easy access

Did I mention McSorley's around the block? On a normal night it's jammed, with people waiting to get in. GOD SAVE US FROM SANTA CON!!!

Up until this summer I lived in NYC, right in the heart of the east village (2nd Ave & St. Mark's Place). This event was a total nightmare every year- I'd run over to the deli to get something to eat, and have a few drunken reindeer or elves crash into me, and dodge groups of santa waiting on line at The 13th Step,

High-waisted panties = fear of a FUPA.

Isn't there some kind of komputer setting that would khange all the letter Cs into Ks when writing about these people? I don't know why, but I find the letter K funny. Kreepy Kristmas Kard Kreates Krazy Krak-up!

I enjoyed this movie so much, especially since I saw it back-to-back w/the first movie... about 5 hours of Katniss kicking ass, and the theatre wasn't full, b/c I guess not too many people were bonkers enough to watch that much movie. I was able to stretch out on my side across 3 seats and relax while watching.

I really liked it, very good writing. That's all.