That's what I'm saying! She's fully waxed now, so until it grows out, merkin time!
That's what I'm saying! She's fully waxed now, so until it grows out, merkin time!
I guess we should be thankful she waxed, although it would have been WAY more edgy if she hadn't. Miley, you really missed an opportunity there to truly shock (some people, anyway).
I'm happy to hear that, Straight Dude!
The dark lenses enable you to spew out racist names, then whine, "But my sunglasses were so dark, I couldn't tell what color those people are!"
It's the typical Hollywood thing… if an actress is normal, she's not thin enough, if she's thin, it's a fine line until she gets the tabloid heading "SHOCKING PHOTOS REVEAL: So-and-so is wasting away, friends beg her to get help!". And heaven forbid an actress is considered overweight… open season for anything nasty.
You forgot one:
I thought the same thing!!! Short hair comment aside, who thinks Jennifer Lawrence needs to lose 10lbs??? Since when??? I hope this isn't a general male consensus, because if this is the judgement on her, what chance do us mere mortals have? I love her and she is stunning. That's all.
Lindsey Lohan, damn. I have to say, I'm not too surprised. I don't know if she's in NYC, but I just moved out to LA, and the culture of recovery out here is BONKERS.
I know! I'm glad I had that clue to guide me. Also, additional alliteration adds instant intimacy, intelligence, intuition!
I'm weak willed, what can I say? *tears welling in eyes*
Lost in Translation? Now there are three of us, because I also HATED that movie.
I'll say this (and maybe someone already did on a thread here)- it's certainly better than that shitty list of demands written by Romeo Rose.
I know… I don't want to be judged by others for what I find sexually stimulating, but I don't like lying about who I m either! I'm a pretty vanilla chick in general, just sometimes I get off on the kink. I also always assumed that the porn I've seen is very staged & planned out. I just can't believe someone would be…
Thanks :-) I'd only rage out if I was threatened. Sobriety is helpful when it comes to seeing if a guy would be a threat or not; at least my defenses aren't down and I'm aware of my actions!
I don't know anything about the business or what happens on these shoots… I hear what you're saying re: um… improvising (?) during shoots, but I don't know. Like I said, I'd be worried if some guy I was having sex with just did that thinking a woman would like it, based on the porn he's watched. I hope I never face…
I was wrong; Paul Schrader didn't write the article. Still, here's a link to the piece- it's an interesting read about what a train wreck the project was.
All of the people involved are crazy- Paul Schrader is terrible person; if you read Easy Riders, Raging Bulls you know how awful he was back in the 70's and 80's. No one wanted to work with him. Bret Easton Ellis has been called out for being a public asshole for years now. And yes, it sounds like Lindsey was in a big…
There was an article written by the guy who directed The Canyons (Paul Schrader) about what a difficult shoot it was… mean Lindsey was very difficult to work with. With all the crazy people involved, he said James was the most professional, easygoing one there. Wow.
That's where I've seen them… I guess if you like watching the rougher stuff (which I do, and I'm sure I'll get brickbats thrown at me for saying it) it doesn't bother you.
I read a piece on by a woman who met him in a bar and took him home… she said the incident was kind of empty but she then could tell people, "I picked up James Deen and fucked him! He's a porn star!" I hope Jenn get more out of it that just being able to boast that.