
My mom and I used to watch The Young and the Restless together, and we always thought it was hilarious how the costume designers tried to hide an actresses' real life pregnancy…. it was hard for soaps b/c of the real-time aspect of pregnancy and the faster (or slower) progression of fake-time on a soap (for example, a

Kanye is kind of a doofus, but I will always have love in my heart for this unscripted moment… Mike Myers looks like he swallowed a bug or something right after Yeesus blurted that true statement.

Oddly enough, that shitty friend was the one who introduced me to the guy who became my new best friend for the next 6-7 years; he truly saved my life during a time when my life fell apart. My father died barely a year later, and he carried me through that situation, and helped me get through the following few months

She wasn't. We had been friends since we were in Kindergarten, and our friendship was dissolving as we got older.I just didn't get it; I didn't understand why a friend would pull away like that.

I think that people of a certain generation are clueless about the history of wearing blackface, especially in entertainment- think of Al Jolson wearing blackface and singing "Mammy don't you love me". Young people tend to be totally ignorant there were movies made before 1950, and there were tons of movies &

What a total asshole. Did he by any chance read The Pick-up Artist and such other shitty literature? That was what appears to be a classic "neg"- give a girl a compliment, then throw in a negative second comment so she tries to work to gain your approval. I have received negs over the years, my favorite (meaning least

I so, so completely get it. It's funny how we hear the one comment that just burns into our memory, but the thousands of good things that other people have said don't register, the one horrible thing overrides them all. It's all in the mind.

I hope it doesn't happen. She's a very sick girl. I know her in the rooms of another recovery program, and she relapsed there too. The last time I talked to her, she was slurring so badly I could barely understand what she was saying. I pray she'll be well some day.

Let's hope he loses his hair, too. Maybe not all of it, but part of it, and he combs it in increasingly desperate and unconvincing ways to try to hide those thin/ bald spots.

Never be embarrassed about telling your truth. Anorexia is a mental disease; the behaviors are physical manifestations of the underlying emotional problems. The actual numbers on the scale are irrelevant to how the ED sufferer feels about themselves.

One other thing- I'm a recovering alcoholic with 15 years sobriety. Alcoholism is so black & white- either you're sober or not. EDs can be such slippery slopes- there are ways that people can justify their behavior, such as "It's healthy to run 10 miles a day!" or "I'm on a juice cleanse!", or "Kale is a super food,

Your story moved me so much. I'm so sorry you had such pain growing up. Thank you for sharing your experience, though I'm sure it was difficult. I'm sure I'm not the only one who will relate and find comfort that they are not alone. God bless you.

I was 14 years old and went to the beach in my new bikini. My friend Kristina was in a bikini too, and was one of those girls who looked older and far better in a bikini than a 14 year old should. She had the sort of flat stomached, tiny waisted, small breasted body that fashion models have, and was taller than me by


Oh, shit... that was his name bestowed by Lindy. I'm not awake yet (despite being on the west coast where it's 1pm).

Puns are funs! Never apologize. I have a better title... The Town Cryers.


He could generate additional income by doing a reality show- Crying Out with the Cryers.

I was going to comment- the Shake Weight gave us all a hysterical episode of South Park. So for that, shake on, Shake Weight!

I would hope the vitriol would be reserved for the magazine editors that make these decisions, not the actresses. I'd seriously double that Kate Bosworth, G. Paltrow et al storm the magazine offices holding the editors hostage, demanding to be put on the covers.