
Probably not worth the effort.

For this dude, it wouldn't be weird, b/c he seems very misguided, and it's all weird.

I just might have to do this. If I do, I'll definitely report back.

Now that I live in LA, I have been finding the cost of gas quite high. Do you think a tank of gas would be acceptable? It would help me out if I have to drive away REALLY FAST if he's a creep.

I keep thinking of this funny exchange; I've seen it attributed to Talullah Bankhead:

I read your comment quickly, and thought it said, "Socialism and HANDJOBS for me..." More appropriate for this person, methinks.

Whitney Houston believed the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside... give them a sense of pride, to make it easier, let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be...

He BELIEVES he has a reality show right around the corner. Not actually has, but BELIEVES he has. Lots of people believe things, like Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Rapture. R. Kelly believes he can fly...

There's that new dating app called Carrot Dating, where the other person will buy you something you need if you agree to go on a date with them... I'd so love to see him post himself on this app- "I'll be YOUR Romeo tonight, if you can pay or donate to my electric bill!" I'm sure the offers would roll in...

I have a friend who was 19 days back from a relapse and found out she was pregnant. She wanted to have a baby, and had already terminated 2 pregnancies of the years, so she chose to have it. Her logic was that it would also keep her sober, and bring the father of the boy into her life.

I LOVE THIS SONG!!! This and 29/31 are fucking brilliant.

Thank you for articulating what you did- "an unexpected crisis can cause you to reevaluate your choices". This article has smoke coming out of my ears. I love Jezebel, but sometimes a piece like this will pop up and make me CRAZY.

I just noticed the no legs too! What was the art director for the album cover thinking???

Hey, Jezzies! It's a fact that I was an employee for this company's design team for 7 years, so I know THE TRUTH BEHIND THE BRA! Can you handle it?

How about we film women hitting men in the nuts, and then tell the men it's to raise awareness of testicular cancer? And it's a joke?

No parent wants to admit that their child could be involved in something like this.

Oh my God. I don't have children, but every new mother I talk to tells me about going through the broken sleep cycles, and how insane it is. If I don't get enough sleep, or have broken sleep, I'm a mess, physically and mentally. New mothers can be terribly conflicted between the joy of having a baby, but not being

It wasn't filming, but I did take a photo of something I saw that was funny, and there were crazy consequences. Let me explain...

I think the difference is when you can say it to yourself and it helps you get through your difficulties, versus saying it to someone else, assuming they might be able to process it the same way... grief, anger, sadness, all must be acknowledged and worked through before a person can start to see there will be an end.

Ooh, I forgot that one! "God doesn't give you more than you can handle..." I don't think God goes around deciding that certain people need difficult situations. That's up there with "everything happens for a reason." Not really. Life can be cruel and unfair, and things just happen that we can't control (like what