
bUt He’S tHe BeSt ChAnCe We HaVe To BeAt TrUmP!

FFS I hope the Democratic party succeeds in pulling it’s head out their collective ass so I don’t have to vote for this shitstain.

It’s beyond awful. As I answered above my ex wife is an emergency veterinarian and what she still continues to go through absolutely sucks. 

Honestly everything about that is the worst but I worked at universities and teaching hospitals and then a large private practice where the owners actually paid us and the veterinarians not well so that the cost of medicine didn’t get passed onto the client. My ex wife is an emergency veterinarian and does everything

In my extensive scientific studies, CBD does nothing, weed is fucking awesome.

This is fantastic! I love that Jezebel had a physician with expertise in this field write something easy to read and comprehensive!

This is the problem with so many middle-aged/older liberals right now. They all want so hard to be seen as reasonable, so they play right into the hands of the right who frame incredibly basic social justice stances as radical through misinformation and bad faith whataboutism. The whole point of discussing toxic

This is exactly how I see Tom Brady, only slightly more intelligent.

Get Men Ivolved:

My wife is currently pregnant, and I’ve gone to as many of her “pregnancy appointments” as I’ve realistically been able to.

I did see a video about a parenting class for men only. It was like a club where soon to be dads would interact with new father’s and their babies and learn how to hold, feed and engage with babies. The group is run by a grandparent. I guess the idea is that father could stay in the class until their children are 2

I tell my husband all the time that things won’t get better for MEN unless they start standing up for themselves when it comes to taking time off for sick kids and school events. Part of the problem is the older male generation, who absolutely do not see any reason for men to take time off for their children. Can’t

When you don’t think you have any responsibility for pregnancies or childcare it’s much easier to support a ban on abortion, because you don’t even imagine yourself ever having to deal with the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy.

Quite frankly, I am sick and tired of babies being automatically associated with women. It’s bad enough our careers suffer because we’re the primary care givers when kids get sick.

I mean, there’s one other problem with bringing men into the picture more: it will undermine our society’s message that womanhood and motherhood are synonymous, and that women are only as important as their ability to make babies.

I don’t get this take on the research at all. American fathers are way more involved with their children now than they were 50 years ago-- not because we all just suddenly woke up one day and decided to make better decisions but because cultural norms shifted so that more was expected of us. This research suggests

You should cross-post to Kotaku, get a bunch of very horny replies from Mass Effect fans. 

It’s not really theory, so much as something that gets pointed out in all the biohorror scifi as to why many of the plots/fears are kinda ridiculous. You don’t even have to look at anything extraterrestrial either, the evidence is right here on earth. Most diseases that affect animals or plants don’t trouble us at

My parents came from poverty. As soon as they were old enough to work, they did it nonstop like their parents. My parents missed nearly all concerts, games, recitals, plays, etc. The only thing they did make it to was parent/teacher conferences, which were never a good thing. Vacations were out of the question because

Here to say A) Yes, good. Burnout is real. And B) Thanks for the work you do, Lauren and all the Jez crew... your work makes our work more bearable. Wishing you some nice paid time off and a minimum 10% raise this coming fiscal year!

Can anyone post the photo? Kinja is being garbage about showing embedded images.