We need to eliminate all regulations! Thank you, Trump administration! Finally, we have the freedom to get sick and die from using everyday household items that aren’t supposed to be toxic. MAGA!
We need to eliminate all regulations! Thank you, Trump administration! Finally, we have the freedom to get sick and die from using everyday household items that aren’t supposed to be toxic. MAGA!
When will people learn that this is ALWAYS a bad question to ask women? I am 30, I DO want kids, so does my partner, but ha ha guess what: my lady bits are being an asshole about it. If the wrong person asks me about having kids on the wrong day, I will full on cry in their face. Don’t ask a personal question if you…
That would explain Cetaphil...frankly, better than I would prefer.
She should make friends with that woman who thinks her piss cures cancer.
That’s just way too simplistic a view. It supposes that democrats who are moderate or centrists aren’t democrats. They are democrats. I consider myself a liberal democrat, but I’m not going to pretend (1) that a good percentage of the democratic party are moderates, not liberals (polls have shown this to be true) and…
I can’t wait until the debates start, because that should separate the front runners from the chaff and demonstrate which candidates have vision and which are just riding on name recognition.
They say their tomatoes are indeed grown in that special volcanic soil at the base of Mt. Vesuvius and that the reason they don’t have a DOP symbol is because after their crops were approved in 2010, a new government body came in to approve labels. Months later Cento was told “our label no longer conformed to their…
Why do you think they cant do this? I mean they attacked Hillary over her husband’s history of sexual misconduct to make him seem better. Not Hillary’s conduct, Bill’s. So they will definitely do this
Raise your hand if you remember being in this exact situation at one point or another with an older guy, and didn’t know how to communicate your lack of interest because youre EIGHTEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD.
I believe the writer included it because people roll out the death threats thing to deflect criticism.
That’s why I don’t know why he doesn’t let this go. If it happened, it’s still sketchy. Something about Natalie Portman just makes dudes who love the idea of her go crazy and she’s had to deal with this shit since she was a literal child.
Not really. Everyone knows that breaking a rib hurts, and smart people can invest the energy in imagining it. For the kind of people who think they get a say in other people’s reproductive decisions, they either have to experience it themselves or live with someone who is.
I’m not sure I know what “Owned into the Sun” means, because I just watched Ben Carson mumble and stonewall Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley until her time ran out. This isn’t a thing a pure joy; watching this makes me angry.
Jeffree Star is trash and I don’t really follow or care about makeup YouTube (or YT in general tbh) but James Charles is literally a teenager and to have adults starting internet fights with him over vitamins is....... not great.
So would every child who needs a new kidney to survive, but we still don’t legally require parents to give them one. We don’t even legally require people to give them up in death.
It’s not about believing personhood begins at conception, though, because I don’t think any of them would be fine with a procedure that removes the fetus from the woman’s body but doesn’t kill it and just sees how it gets along on its own. If it were just about personhood belonging at conception and therefore people…
Show us, then, the anti-abortion crusaders who are also crusading for easy access to effective contraception, free/cheap high-quality healthcare for pregnant women and children, workplace accommodations so parents can take care of their kids’ needs, and a living wage for everyone. Any of these things would do more to…
I agree 100% with everything you said but all that aside...I think expecting loyalty from an 18 yr old is pretty ridiculous.
All I see is a grown woman piling on and taking down a teenager because her feelings were hurt.
The whole thing about loyalty in this case is kinda bullshit anyway. If you want exclusivity, write it into a contract and pay for it. Friends don’t necessarily owe you brand loyalty - they’re your friends first, not clients. Any loyalty is theirs to give, not yours to expect.