
If that is true, then that safety feature is not as safe as it could/should be. There ought to be some signage in big, red letters, reading: “EMERGENCY DOOR RELEASE.”

I’ve done the Freeze and absolutely hated myself for it.

that has to be a joke

I’m going to try something new. I’m going to look at the comments and NOT be surprised when it shifts to victim-blaming.

She married Tobe Hooper’s nephew. I met him once in the late 90s and he always struck me as a total douche. When I met him he was staying at his uncle’s in the Hollywood Hills, holding court like some cut-rate Medici prince. Later that evening I found out that the only reason he was house-sitting was so that somebody

Yeah, Wilde’s family are British aristocrats so her marrying an Italian one ain’t no thang.

George Lakoff’s The Political Mind is worth a read. It posits that core conservative values are based on a worldview centering on respect for authority, self-reliance, and duty. Core progressive values, on the other hand, are centered on empowerment, empathy, and compassion. He says these views are “physical


She risking all the nauseous and vomming for that D!

I think this kind of comment is rude and unnecessary. My best guy friend is losing his hair and he is pretty self conscious about it and there’s really nothing he can do. He has it cropped short right now and honestly looks fine. It’s not that big of a deal and I think it’s kinda shitty to actively try to make men

We live in dark times. This post is about a nasty little orc systematically rolling back 150 years of civil and human rights with malicious glee. He is evil in the strictest ethical/moral/biblical sense of the word.

Kim Zolciak is the ideal candidate for fake it till you make it. Somehow in the real housewife ecosystem she has survived and thrived while Michaela Salahi was one n done...

Shookus isn’t the nanny. She works or worked for SNL.

A conservative street artist

Its not a missing component its the component that is responsible for fear that has been over developed.

Non disclosure agreements should be null and void in cases of witnessing illegal activity like sexual harassment and workplace harassment.

Oh my goodness! That story feels so of our times.

I’m fresh off reading the NY Times piece, and the attempt by Weinstein’s lawyer at a sympathetic description of him as a ‘dinosaur’ trying to learn new ways just turned my stomach. There is no way he didn’t know what he was doing was wrong, and there is no question he acted punitively towards the women strong enough

Rose McGowan is absolutely right. In the NY Times piece, they talk about how women would double up to go into Weinstein’s office, and I thought, where the fuck are the men??? Time to name and shame, ALL OF YOU WHO STOOD BY AND KNEW THIS WAS HAPPENING ARE FAIR GAME.

Methinks the so-called artist is just trying to ride Jimmy’s coat tails for his nanosecond of fame. Skulk back under your bridge, desperado.