
Sessions, like most conservatives, cannot imagine anyone thinking, feeling, or have a world view different from his, without being evil, flawed, or less than being fully human. Hence, they have a lack of compassion for anyone other than rich, white, male, christian. Beyond that paradigm, everyone else is “the other”

Status Quo. Zero Sum. Othering

I honestly believe you need to apply a power drill to the part of the brain that knows this is wrong in order to start understanding these idiots.

The conservative brain actually has a larger amygdala structure than the liberal brain. And the amygdala controls fear and the fight or flight response. This explains why they are afraid all the time and why they are desperate to turn the clock back to a time that is more comfortable and easier to understand than

Simple answer: when you let your life be ruled by a 2000 year old book of fairy tales written by desert goat herders, your outlook on 21st century secular life is going to be a bit skewed as a result.

Because he didn’t want to and nobody made him.

Agreed. The conservative fundamentalist mind is so 180-degrees from mine that sometimes I wonder if I’m the insane one. Then I read through these comments and it restores a bit of faith.

These “conservatives” only concern is to amass wealth/power by stripping others of access to it. They do not give a shit about anything else. Non-whites, women, children, undocumented people are easy targets. They may also have the brains of a psychopath, so yes, it’s very likely their minds are structurally

Think of a normal human mind, then take away empathy and accountability.

I come from a conservative family. No one is ever going to convince me they lack empathy or are evil because I’ve seen them act in ways quite to the contrary.

That is true. I have read that. Also, from a mental health perspective, conservative people are more likely to suffer paranoia and neuroses. Basically, they are fear-based in their decisions and fearful in their disposition.

You should check out George Lakoff’s work applying cognitive science to politics. They really are structurally different.  

1) Sessions is fucking evil incarnate.

They are authoritarians. Any kind of need or weakness is a moral failing. Their worldview is based on a dominance/submission paradigm and the idea of radical individualism. If someone is unable or unwilling to survive as a radical individualist, they are a sponge weakening the strong. It’s profoundly ugly and

There’s some evidence for that actually. I don’t have the research in front of me but offhand I believe conservatives have more negativity bias (they are more likely to remember negative things and place more emphasis on negative memories) and conservatives have stronger disgust reactions.

I think there have been a bunch of studies lately, including some fMRI ones, that show that their brains are, indeed, different. I wish I could remember some references....

It’s like they want, actually want to legally sanction hate for identifiable groups of people. Here’s an example of that type of person. I had a conservative boss ( she considered herself a liberal conservative simply because she knew people who were more awful than she was) who owned a store with a small staff. In

Republicans, at their core, are selfish (if not evil).

But accurate.

In Session’s case his speeches give a good look into his mental hellscape. The public is SOFT and shouldn’t need protections.