
I liked him, too. I’ve always thought of him as an endearing asshole, honestly, one of my favorite personality types.

You just have to smoke weed first. It’s science.

Harry Potter duh.

That stuff doesn’t look like it has much clay in it at all, Australian pink clay turns a medium brown when wet.

That stuff doesn’t look like it has much clay in it at all, Australian pink clay turns a medium brown when wet.

MySpace? Maybe Usenet...

He’s the one threatening to boycott, friend. Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?

I was just taking the piss out of him. Calm your tits.

Thanks! My eggs are fine.

I’m growing my own lettuce now, but there are limiting factors, yo.

“...men will simply avoid participating in any function where they could be at the mercy of a simple accusation...”

Everything you need to know you learned in kindergarten, indeed.

There’s a WaPo article about a new sociological study that found that white racial resentment drives negative attitudes towards welfare and, SURPRISE!, this attitude shift started in 2008. Golly, gee, what happened in 2008 that whites felt so resentful about?

I’ve always thought that 300 was blatant propaganda.

It was just bad timing. If not for the Roseanne debacle, no one would have noticed.

I think that’s his beef, that he wants to keep it that way. He’s scared that if women are granted equal rights that they won’t be able to control our healthcare decisions with their purse strings anymore.

She didn’t say that she didn’t have a problem with it. She said that she didn’t like it, but that she didn’t consider it criminal, presumably because they’d previously dated.

You need an order for an mammo, they can write the order and refer you.

idk is his cousin Louis hot?

I thought that he had an accent?

A phoenix is a pretty normal tattoo, isn’t it? Problem is his is ugly.