It makes me pretty irritated to see so many people here on Jez rip into an enterprising young woman for being enterprising. I’ve concluded that people have an irrational hatred of the youths, particularly young women.
It makes me pretty irritated to see so many people here on Jez rip into an enterprising young woman for being enterprising. I’ve concluded that people have an irrational hatred of the youths, particularly young women.
Someone needs to brush up on their developmental psych.
Exactly, she’s 22 and therefore still an adolescent. The prefrontal cortex, the rational mind, isn’t fully developed until 25. That’s why the phrase “young and stupid” exists. What’s the grown men’s excuse?
Probably because it doesn’t almost always get out. I don’t even want to think about that, but it’s probably true.
I can clearly see her name in that invoice they wasted a staff member’s time on.
Oh nonsense. All they’ve done is expand the group of people who know who she is and give her clicks. In this age of asshole restaurant social media accounts, people need to re-learn how to ignore the things that annoy them.
When grown ass adults decide to beef with adolescents, they have some serious maturity issues. And I *can* see her name in their post.
They could have just said no. The way I see it, they started it and kinda seem like jerks.
I have to say that I like how he addressed how the actual real life woman was treated in that video. That’s always been the worst part of it, IMO, and really underdiscussed.
Bobby, I appreciate the service that you do for Katherine Heigl by linking to her blog. It’s so touching.
See, and here I always assumed Bob Saget was a dick.
Part of me thinks that people, as in The People, kind of like having royal families. We Americans certainly create our own. At least the Windsors are pretty benign, idk. Humanity, man. I think it’s possible that we’re, like, really fucked up.
This happens to me, too, and it’s only from GM sites. It just started up again.
I guess now we know what Omarosa was doing.
You still did the right thing in that situation. The consequences if her no had meant no and you continued are much more grave than the consequence of not getting laid.
I understand what you’re saying and I’m sorry. If it’s any consolation, many of the commenters on these pages would be singing a different tune if it wasn’t a well-loved liberal being accused. I remember way back when Julian Assange first ducked into the embassy I was lambasted on these very pages for saying that he…
Yikes. I’ve had bad sex. Like when the natural lube is just not doing it and you’re all out of the other stuff, or when you can’t find your rhythm, or when you’re distracted, or your dog won’t leave you alone (creep), or that one time that he missed and rammed it into my pelvic bone and that was the end of that.
What are you doing? The work, that is.
I’m going and I don’t have any social media accounts. I did GOTV in November, too. Protests drove Nixon crazy and Trump is obsessed with being liked, so I’m going because I think it’ll piss him off if there’s a big turnout.