
Ivory is soap that has had all of the glycerin removed so J&J or whoever can use it in other stuff. It’s wretched stuff that makes your skin dry, I figure that the people who like it must have oily skin or something.

I don’t know if it’s about being turned on as much as it’s about desecration. Obama makes Trump feel small and, since Trump is a germophobe, the urination on the bed slept on by Obama is a uniquely Trumpian act of disrespect.

This is my response every time she does or says something stupid. You just cannot trust the judgement of a woman who willfully procreated with a man called Rocknroll.

Just to be clear, red-blue is primarily blue and blue-red is primarily red.

*deep sigh*

Imagine the acoustics in an empty mansion. Missed opportunity! Someone call the band.

That’s good. Still, I would have expected her to be on the cover.

I was thinking it would be Rose McGowan, I’m surprised not to see her.

I feel like this is a really underdiscussed aspect of The AH Tape, how they were talking about her and then how Billy essentially forced her to embrace them *knowing* how they had just been talking about her. That’s not just an innocent greeting.

People don’t say minge or gash (yikes) in the US.

You’re going to get a lot of guys saying no, because the guys that do aren’t reading Jez (or they’re in the grays), but for a certain segment of guys the answer is yes. Yes they do. There is a type of man who becomes a barely civilized creature when there are no women around. These men often rush to open the door for

I had it when I was a kid. I don’t remember it, but my parents said it wasn’t really that bad.

I also had it as a kid in the 80s! I don’t remember it, though, it wasn’t nearly as dramatic for me.

Never make empty threats like that, it completely undermines you. That’s not to say that you should have her arrested, you absolutely should not do that, but in the future now you know not to make empty threats.

Overly strict parenting like that tends to backfire big time once your kid is an adult.

Frozen yogurt is a recurring theme, it’s pretty genius.

Are you watching The Good Place?

Maps are part of the Spherical Earth Conspiracy!

It’s from their website, the bunch of weirdos. I figured that there was a neighborhood named Portland or something, so many of our towns and states are named after stuff in Europe.

Lots of ways, mostly by just plain being that stupid or by having high levels of paranoia.