
He was taught that the earth is round and all that good stuff, he just chooses not to believe it. I think this is more about the Internet, really.

I requested pecan. #optout

It’s not a strawman, I’ve noticed that on the news every segment about Roy Moore is followed by a segment about Franken as if their acts are equivalent.

It was more of a philosophical question than a procedural question.

There are so many hoops to jump through.

I don’t get it, why can’t they just stay and apply for permanent residency and even citizenship if they want? I just need to look around my town and count all of the empty storefronts that have been filled with immigrants’ businesses to see that immigration is good for the economy. It just seems so simple to me, it’s

Diana Ross’ dress is more like a reverse mermaid dress? She’s got, like, pelvic fins happening.

Red laces look good tho, which is a shame. Oh well, there’s always fuchsia!

Colorism is a subset of racism in which lighter skin is favored over darker skin.

They use butter more in Northern Italian cuisine. In America, we associate Southern Italian cooking with Italian Food because that’s where our big immigration waves emigrated from. Italian food in Italy has less garlic, too, and it’s not in everything.

Why can’t she celebrate the arrival of a new baby?

The consequences of the neverending sexualization of the female body are varied and surprising.

She had to cancel a planned event in Wisconsin when the Pulse nightclub shooting happened.

Yikes. I had a conversation on here with an incel once and it was downright frightening. The level of entitlement to women’s bodies they seem to feel and the ensuing anger at being denied their perceived due is chilling.

Asking a random woman to watch you jerk off is not pursuing a romantic relationship. You have issues, dude.

This person has a startling lack of proportion.

YES. You are truly a piece of work.

Men are so daft. Asking someone on a date at work and asking someone to look at your dick at work are worlds apart. Is it possible that you don’t know that?

Have you tried using lanolin on your lips? It’s often sold as nipple cream, but it’s a multipurpose product that works great on dry lips (and cuticles, and small abrasions... it’s great).

Is it that weird for teachers at the same school to date? It’s a pretty independent profession, it’s not like you work on projects together! My sister procreated with and married another teacher in her school, and my high school had a married couple (one taught bio, the other chem).