That’s exactly what my dad, a sous chef turned gym teacher, says. The kitchen is hell.
That’s exactly what my dad, a sous chef turned gym teacher, says. The kitchen is hell.
Yeah, it’s obviously legal in some municipalities, but that doesn’t change the overall point that gambling isn’t universally legal here.
Catholic? Doesn’t count.
Gambling is mostly illegal here, it’s why there are casinos on reservations.
I hate broccoli almost as much as I hate beer. I feel like I’ve learned a lot about myself today.
I’ve never understood how people drink beer and find it refreshing. It’s disgusting!
I used to hate Tom Hanks for no actual reason, I found him offensively inoffensive and his son ruined a season of Dexter for me. Anyway, I hated him until I learned that he was Portuguese, which naturally overrode irrational dislike. Now, I would be very sad to find out he’s actually offensively offensive.
He wasn’t making out with these women on the couch after a hot date, getting his hand swatted away, they were at work. There’s nothing fuzzy about it.
But it’s the best apology ever and forever!!!! 🙄
It’s so weird, particularly juxtaposed with the “open secret” narrative around Harvey Weinstein. It’s like people wanted others to act on open secrets about HW, but not LCK? Idk, confusing.
I totally agree with you about “that woman” being distancing language and gross! Your recollection is also fair because most sound bites cut off her name, I just wanted to get it out there that her name did immediately follow.
For the slip and fall. I’m not passing moral judgement on the plaintiffs, it’s just that jury awards in this country seem bonkers. See, Gawker. I’m curious about how similar cases are resolved in other countries. It’s like they say, everything’s bigger in America!
He did use her name, though, didn’t he? IIRC he said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” It kinda seemed like he realized how it sounded in the moment and corrected it?
The reward is too big, tho. It’s bonkers what jury rewards are in America.
I think I’m liking the Maggie/Jackson thing that’s happening.
Sometimes I think it was just a dream I had.
I find her neuroticism endearing. It’s possible that I may also be prone to overthinking things!
I know I’m missing out, that’s why I don’t like him.
I like Maggie.
Then I am sorry to say that you missed the episode where they put a man’s leg in the middle of his body.