
My first reaction was, ‘why is she married to that old man?’

Maureen Dowd is the worst.

Just like my narcissistic mother.

You forgot the part where he tips off the paparazzi so there’s photographic evidence of said lunch.

I don’t think that’s what he’s saying, I think he’s talking about the powerlessness that comes from not having the receipts. I thought that his statement was honest and genuinely believable. Comments sections everywhere are filled with people snarling about “open secrets,” but it’s not a simple dynamic with simple

Idk if it’s a gender thing as much as it’s a narcissism thing.

Oh, they’re definitely here on Jez, too.

That’s just because you never learned how to use them. Millions of women on other continents use them with no fuss.

I think we should keep his money and use it to get women elected.

Kate Winslet married a man called Rocknroll. I’ve questioned her judgement ever since, so this doesn’t surprise me

I wonder how much breaking her non-disclosure is going to cost?

Thanks for linking! I think that she’s right that we’ve had a paradigm shift about gender politics since The Election. It’s always been difficult for women to navigate and now we’re learning new ways to go about it. What I can say from my experience is that speaking up feels good, standing up for yourself helps to

Where did I say that? Go take your bone and chew on it somewhere else. Adults are talking.

I’m apparently not privy to all of these open secrets, because I didn’t know about any of this.

Exactly. I have complicated feelings about it because I can’t know her mind and I really bristle at women being held accountable for the actions of the men in their lives. They often end up paying a bigger price than the actual wrongdoer.

Yeah, I know! But I also know how blinded some people can be about those closest to them.

I’m feeling ambivalent about this. On one hand, I hate to see women held accountable for men’s bad behavior, but on the other hand, she used his power to advance herself and, I mean, she knew, right? But! Maybe she didn’t. Abusers are good at only showing certain sides of themselves to certain people.

I’ve always gotten the impression that, while he likes to be provocative and shocking, Bourdain’s a decent guy.

Damn, that guy has him nailed.

You’d be surprised, Mike, you really would.