It’s just a numbers game, at that point you are going to catch something not good sooner rather than later.
It’s just a numbers game, at that point you are going to catch something not good sooner rather than later.
I was joking, but also PRINT AND GROW ALL THE ORGANS!!
It’s for Spicey to wave at the press.
That survey is designed to give him the results he wants no matter what, the “other” category is going to split the resistance vote.
oh, word?
They’re apparently making tiny little drones, isn’t that bonkers? They don’t die from pesticides, tho, so at least they have that going for them.
Won’t the cloned ones die, too, if we don’t address the underlying reasons for their near extinction?
Mostly 3D printing organs.
Are we planning on bringing back all the animals humans caused to become extinct, like, in chronological order?
Remember It’s still live...
My fave Dubya quote: “Ya fool me once, shame on... me? Ya fool me can’t get fooled again.”
It’s obviously just about control.
How is this worth it for him?
I use a basket that serves as a hamper. Does anyone really have a dedicated pooping stool?
I use a basket that serves as a hamper. Does anyone really have a dedicated pooping stool?
Cavemen didn’t eat much sugar.
Honestly, probably not, but your funeral will cost your family a lot more than a blood test and a few shots. It might (might) be considered preventative care, so act while the ACA is still in effect.
50s, I think.
Gut microbe research is so hot right now.
Probably it’s the gout.
Shout out to rubella! Don’t want her to feel left out!