Proof dammit! I need to see proof.
Proof dammit! I need to see proof.
vaporware is the wrong term...just came to say that. Vaporware implies it never came out to the public, like the Microsoft Courier
Well his girlfriend hasn't seen one that big.... buuuurrn
Bluray does have the benefit of not needing 3 discs(or more) to play 1 game. So I say yay to bluray
It's because the patents man!! THE PATENTS! Stupid apple keeping the doctor away and whatnot.
That made me think of burger convention and now I'm hungy...
Hey, don't knock my iTortillaHeater
Well you are missing out my friend. Nothing quite like the coolness of the chair on your backside to wake you up in the morning.
I would move things around and put them out of place on purpose...
Sobresaliente has the connotation of being more along the lines of going beyond what is expected. A better phrase would be extraordinario, excelente, impresionante, etc.
I bet it is all Siri's fault...
It's funny how normal people go on rants against unions. They really don't know how bad things were before unions formed. Before unions formed people were commodities that could be thrown away (or disposed of, in the most literal sense of the word) by the corporations. It really is a shame that people go around…
You seem to be a little behind... basically all posts that don't have an image attached are these quick posts.
They actually are tied together even if Samsung has nothing to do with Jellybean... they had tied Ice Cream Sandwich to the case previously.
If it is an android phone there was Tasker( which lets you set a command based on where you are. If you are at work your phone can silence, and when you are leaving it will go back to normal
It's either a troll, or someone who isn't too smart. Either way, walk away slowly or it will bite...
Most of the time with this type of problem switching from WPA2/WPA dual mode to just plain WPA2 usually fixes it. The problem is that dual mode seems to confuse some mobile electronics' wifi chips.
People have had their doors busted in because child porn was found to originate from a network because people have left them insecure or with weak security. It isn't that hard to break in, and anything a person does on your wifi makes you look bad.
Could be simply a non-native speaker emphasizing the intensity that they are trying to convey with that message...