Actually wifi calling began counting against your minutes then changed to reflect the fact that it uses your internet.
Actually wifi calling began counting against your minutes then changed to reflect the fact that it uses your internet.
Google maps is smoother as well on android because it uses vector graphics so it can smooth more easily.
You know you wanted to see some dole kemp nudie pics
This was a while back but, a point and shoot is a better camera than a phone. But then again, that's the beauty of android being open. You can use whatever suits you.
Only if there is money on the floor
Imagine putting power substations near bars, with urinals(and stalls for the ladies). We just solved the energy crisis.
Use Hotspot Shield (You can watch anything from the US!)
Google+ has the one killer feature that all my family uses: Hangouts... I am currently in South America, chat with my brother in Miami, my mother in West Palm, my Cousins in New York, and lots of times we do this at the same time. We all have different phones, I'm on my PC (doesn't have to be a mac, but it can be)…
I admit Jesus is one of the more annoying "journalists" on this website. He exemplifies what it means to be ungrateful for technology and ignorant of the technical accomplishments that receiving and rebroadcasting 327,452 tweets a minute really implies.
The world is leaning towards inane whiney articles and people too focused on superficial things to actually sit down and read, let alone read something worthwhile...
Yeah all patent trolls should just give up being assholes in general. ALL OF THEM.
They had to adapt and learn to surf instead of skateboard...
Actually no you're speakers are faulty...throw yours out the window right now... DO IT!!!
To me the fact that Justin Bieber is who he is, makes that enough proof that it is "inane." My personal opinion just coincides with the author.
It also does this for music content and videos played on the xbox (through legit channels). It gives artist info, actors on screen etc. Was pretty cool. I was able to control my brother's xbox in florida while I'm in south america and we watched netflix as a family (though I watched through a webcam lol)
Obama has a plan to expire tax cuts for the wealthy so that we can raise money to get rid of our national debts. It would only raise taxes, as in return to the pre-Bush tax rates, for individuals that make more than $200K a year or couples that make $250K a year, which would raise $850 billion over 10 years. …
I don't get why people defend the GOP, most candidates that make it to the presidential scene don't care about the common man, their interests are lined up with whatever the big corporations (defense, oil, etc.) want them to be.
Some people just like to whine about stupid stuff. For instance: "My iPhone is too light." Seriously the people that whine about weight need to work out the very least those people would get some muscle tone from working it out...
They've also been known to cut off compatibility for the "sake of the customer." Things that come to mind: Firewire, Displayport(became mini), 30-pin connector, Siri on anything lower than iPhone 4S...