
well you can bookmark pages and sections so you just click a little button to jump back and forth. They aren't bad...just different but do offer some newer abilities(videos, interactivity in general) that do give them an advantage over classical text books.

That's not entirely true. It actually is nice to be able to search for any subject, take interactive practice tests, etc. I had an e-book for Physics II and it wasn't bad although it took a while to load at the beginning.

You had me at porn starlets...

Google freedom and flexibility + iPhone Sex Appeal. Wouldn't be a bad idea, but they'd probably make it overpriced (since they are no longer competing in this alternate universe)

Tits are what makes university libraries fun! Don't tell me you don't like tits. I don't believe you!

It acts as a second battery to the tablet. So you can snap it in and double your it makes your tablet much more work friendly.

I believe the point was more to emphasize that this flaw would be able to pass Apple's security approval process. He was trying to show them their process was flawed. Apple has a way of sweeping things under the rug as though nothing happened. This will make sure they respond properly.

Dude they should so make movies like that. I would so watch it.

Brawndo the thirst mutilator

Well I was thinking more along the lines of how the Pre impersonated an iphone so it could sync with itunes. Similarly any phone could impersonate an iphone, and since siri appears to be mainly cloud based responses, then any phone could do this, even older phones if the voice would be routed appropriately.

hmmm makes me wonder if you can just impersonate an iphone 4s and essentially use any phone with Siri...

Scrambled egg mayhaps? Omeletes. Hardboiled?

Except that they both go together and become like a laptop. The transformer was a nice machine, this one looks to be even better.

That's why I don't use a real password that is related to anything else I use on the web. My password for this website is something I don't want to worry about since Logins can be sniffed way too easily.

The only downside is there is spyware out there that intercepts queries to google, and I've seen them go so far as blocking ssl requests to google. com

Check out some iPod Ripping Software... I forgot which one I used before but it will extract everything from your iphone and put it into a folder for you, which you would have as a backup. Usually round 10-20 bucks for a good program but I seem to recall a decent free program. Although I think it was more technically

You could get a return on your investment easily...just rob a bank with someone else's face

Things I'll try on my friends' iphones just to leave it in his history...

I like how you can vote yes and no

Not enough masturbation to strengthen the hand and arm muscles nowadays. I remember back when I was a young boy....