
Godzilla is a step in making Godzilla?

Well from what I gather even a guest user who would not have read access to your documents could change your password, log in as the main account and get at those files, or, log in as you, and if you have any saved passwords in your browsers purchase things, they can access bank information. Not all data is

Most people that would target that type of stuff would be going after credit card, identity info, etc which would be worth much more than a simple laptop.

The point is that if you have sensitive stuff AND/OR take you're laptop, all your files are exposed to anyone who really is looking to score more than just your laptop.

The truth though is cleaning *too* often leads to more infections. Earwax actually is there to help keep out bacteria. It's about not over doing it, you need a lil bit, but exagerrated amounts is just gross.

Wow you really get carried away defending AT&T. I said they suck. I had cingular for a bit, became AT&T. That sucked, hidden fees all over the place. AT&T in general. Sucked. Simple as that. T-Mobile I pay 69.99 and I have True Unlimited (Grandfathered Contract-less plan) but my brother has the 50 dollar unlimited

Got carried away didn't you... I only mentioned price and the overall picture in terms of billing. I don't want AT&T. Simple as that. AT&T sucked in general even as a home line provider. I know T-Mobile is not true 4G, but it still is faster than AT&T's home DSL in most cases at least in Florida.

When the set of 3 hurricanes came through Orlando every other carrier was down except for Verizon for several days. That is consistent in my book.

Those are hurricane shutters actually. It's in Florida, and you see a lot of people too lazy to take em down or since they are too heavy to take off on their own (older people/women) so they leave em up saving effort for every single storm that is announced.

Even though Verizon is much better than AT&T... Much more consistent. I used to be Verizon but enjoy saving moneys too much.

Troll much. And I prefer meat lasagna

Still T-Mobile is so much better than AT&T (and other carriers) in the general sense of bills. I like my unlimited internet, unlimited texts and unlimited calls for less than I'd pay at AT&T.

Yup what norway said. Anyways, this type of setup, a giant very general test environment, screams available renting of the "Lab" for big corporations. Basically they'll rent out their testing grounds/equipment/perform tests for other companies based on those other companies' requests/needs.

We need to compensate teachers more, increase the educational budget so that more emphasis is put into bettering schools and the resulting quality of education. If teachers were paid better, more people would consider it a viable career, resulting in more competition in the teaching community, improving teacher

It's a private investment. A private company that did this, as in NOT our government. People are quick to blame the government these days.

Run!!! You sort of said that while not trying to say it, so karma is gonna kinda get you, ummm... by accident? Anyways, just RUUNNN!!!

When I look at those pictures I see sad, happy/crazy, tasted a lemon...

An ipod should get an ipod dock to dock to other ipods... that would be awesome... I can see the HumanCentiPod coming to life now.......

Damn... I misread that title entirely... did a double take, then was all like :O

That's Windows XP Service Pack 21